Entries into the 2025 Miss SNPJ Pageant are now being accepted! It's hard to believe it's that time of year.
Young ladies must be between the ages of 18-28 by July 11, 2025 and an SNPJ member in good standing for at least 3 months. Pageant entry deadline is June 6, 2025. The Miss SNPJ Pageant is held in during Slovenefest weekend, this year from Friday, July 11, through Sunday, July 13 at the SNPJ Recreation Center.
The young woman who is crowned Miss SNPJ 2026 will received a $2,000 scholarship award, and have the opportunity to travel and represent SNPJ at a variety of events. The winner of the Miss Activity title will be awarded $1,200; Miss Talent will win $800. The winner of the Miss Fraternalism title will be awarded $150. All contestants will receive a $50 participation award. Enter by May 15, 2025, to receive an additional $50 early entry bonus! For any questions, please contact the Fraternal Department.