Many of you have asked who Kiva is and why it's important to lend through their website....Kiva has been around since 2005. It's been recognized for its work by TIME magazine, Oprah and more recently Sophia Vergara: https://itbl.co/zY~xcmMz
Why lend to me through their website?
This allows Kiva to collect all the funds from various lenders and at the end of fundraising it gets sent to me in the form of an official business loan. As I pay back the loan, you get paid back, AND this all gets tracked so that I can build my business credit score, and get fair interest rates in the future. So, it's way better than a donation, and only businesses with high potential are approved for it. I feel really proud that I was approved!
Kiva is a loan, not a donation. With Kiva you can lend as little as $25 and make a big change in someone's life.