Hello parents, the Gym was broken into last night. Nothing was taken.
There has been a lot of activity outside the gym, day and night. I want to remind everyone that no students may leave the gym alone, also students may not be dropped off and left outside the door until the gym opens. Students who drive must be walked to their vehicles. Teen students may not walk out alone. This goes for the gymnastics team as well.
If you notice a student outside alone, kindly remind them they need to come inside to wait. Please tell Debbie anytime you notice a student outside alone, even if the situation has already been handled. If you have any safety concerns please contact Debbie.
Also, I have been receiving reports of students arriving to gym without shoes. The parking lot is not a safe place to walk without shoes. We find glass, nails, and used needles in the parking lot regularly. Gymnasts are expected to enter and exit the building with shoes on their feet.
Thank you for helping KGA keep your students safe.
Thank you!