It's crazy how the world works.I seen this gentleman on the news last week.He is doing a 3100 mile walk barefooted from Los Angeles to New York for men's metal health.Well on our way home last night my wife was scrolling through Facebook and seen a post about this guy that was doing a walk for mental health and I told her I seen him on the news she said he was in our home town of K**b Noster,mo. And he was staying tonight and leaving at 9:00 in the morning to continue his walk. I told my wife that I want to meet him in the morning on the highway. Well it worked out perfectly our shop is right on the highway so he had to come right by our shop. I got to talk with him and tell him the story about my brother overdosing on fentanyl and all the mental health challenges that everybody goes through every day in life.
So on behalf of Nasty Glass ,Slappies and Slapnastyent we donated 500 dollars in honor of my brother Cris and everyone else who is fighting mental health to the Bravementalk foundation. So I need everyone to go follow this guy please and if you see him coming to your town reach out to go speak with him really nice gentleman