We integrate our experience with your team to help you deliver creative events that build your brand, grow your customer base and retain existing customers. Venue Selection and Contracting
We will save you time and money by finding the best value and location for your event. We’ve built a solid reputation in the industry and when it comes time to negotiate, let our experience work for you. And, be
cause hotels compensate us directly, there is no cost to you for these services. We offer:
• Site inspection assistance
• Comprehensive venue analysis and comparison
• Contracting
• Cost savings
Event Management
At Event Dojo, our approach to event management is simple – we design a plan for your event and execute the plan. Let the Event Dojo experts design a complete strategic event plan and exceed your expectations. We offer:
• Pre-planning and logistics
• On-site management and staffing
• Audio-visual planning and support
• Food and beverage planning and support
• Tradeshow management
• Registration staffing
• Transportation coordination
• Event branding and identity (theme)
Event Marketing and Communications
The Event Dojo marketing team will work with you to create exciting, impactful collateral to communicate your event to your customers. We offer:
• Complete marketing plan development
• E-marketing solutions
• Print and direct mail
• Web development
• Social media
Event Dojo Vision
Our vision is to be the standard by which all events are measured for success. Event Dojo will provide highly creative events that offer transfer of knowledge, environmental stewardship and benefit.