The Cake Jar Boom
December 2017 was huge. On the left, you see me pictured. My name is Naomi, and I’m currently 20 years old. On the right, you see my mom, the infamous Mary of Mary’s Cakes. I was sitting on my phone in our old house scrolling through Pinterest when I saw red velvet mason jar wedding favors. At the time, our strawberry shortcake ice cream cake was our best seller and I proposed the idea to my mom of packaging a mini version of it in a jar. She thought I was crazy, we didn’t even have a commercial freezer in our bakery yet.
That same night, I took off to my local craft store to buy three single jars. If they didn’t work, out, at least I’d have a good Instagram picture and a peace of mind. The next day before leaving the shop, I quickly made three different flavors. Oreo, Strawberry Shortcake, and Tres leches. I snapped a picture of them and posted them onto my different social medias, and they sold within twenty minutes.
Cake Jars brought a wave of milennials. People my age were coming in huge crowds to the bakery and it was the best thing that could have happened to us. Milennial clients are a very special audience. We never catered to people my age, but it made me realize that there are so many different ways to market items, and it’s important to do new and exciting things. From there, we grew a pretty big following on Instagram, (almost 10k now) and I grew a loyal family on twitter (8k) Cake Jars allowed my parents to buy a home after years of renting. They allowed us to wrap our van, we bought freezers, and with all the new people supporting our business we started doing cupcake sales, and selling and creating more than we ever had before.
I wanted to take the time to write out this story to reflect on our personal victories and to say thank-you to every single person who supported us, not only through purchases but liking, commenting, sharing, and spreading the word. We are no where near being a commercial bakery (that’s not our goal, anyway), but we have been blessed in 2018 to be able to grow into something bigger. I don’t know what the next big thing is going to be in 2019, but we are so excited to create and keep pushing forward.