Walk through of the pond house! #weddingvenue #eventspace #diy #bridalsuite
The kids & I spent the evening exploring wildflowers & grasses and took them home to make some wildflower bouquets 🤍You can hear their giggles in the background which makes my heart happyWe hope they continue to grow with a deep appreciation & love for nature as they get older .........#wildflowers #wildflower #naturelovers #naturelover #naturelove #natureloversgallery #flowerlovers #innature #countrylife #countrylivingmagazine #countryliving #natureliving #flowerbouquet #wildflowerbouquet
When the neighbors have a large Kale harvest you make a snack even the kids love! My favorite way to eat Kale is roasted (& I like mine extra crispy 😜) Seasoned with s&p, smoked paprika, garlic powder, & chili powder. One batch even had Everything Bagel seasoning. The best part is my kids love these chips 🤍.........#veggieharvest #kalechips #kale #healthysnacks #healthysnack #harvesting #roastedkale #farmtotable #healthyrecipes #superfoods
These are luxury 😍🤍. Relax and use them as a bath tea, shower steamer, or just drawer scents. What’s inside? Epsom SaltHimalayan Pink SaltDried Flowers - listed on packageEssential OilsCoconut Milk Coconut OilOatsRelax, rejuvenate, & enjoy some self care ......#bathtea #bathteas #bathsoak #bathsoaks #aromatherapy #anthropologiehome #anthropologie #anthropologiestyle #showersteamers #lavender #eucalyptus #driedflower #driedflowers #driedflorals #relaxation #relaxing #selfcare #selfcaretips
Everyone’s Valentines flowers will now be preserved 🥰.......#florallove #flowerlover #flowers #floraldesign #floralbouquet #flowerbouquet #driedflowers #driedflowerbouquet #driedflorals #driedfloralarrangement #driedfloral #dryingflowers #florallover #flowerlove
Nature walks and going on adventures on your own land is always exciting. Especially, to teach the little ones all the things that surround us. #naturelovers #innature #onanadventure #onthefarm #familybusiness #ediwayfarms #flowerlover #mothernature #naturewalks
Our muscadine vine needed trimming so decided to make some simple wreaths! This one is made up of a muscadine vine cutting, cedar branches, some Brazilian Vervain and twine. ......#wreath #winterwreath #driedflowers #wreathmaking #naturalwreath #cedartrees #cedartree #wreaths #winterwreath #winterdecor #winterdecoration #walldecor #walldecoration #bohohippiechic #bohohippiestyle #bohodecor #bohostyle #mothernature #repurpose #reuse #naturelovers #naturelover #naturaldecor
Blue Cedars are so beautiful this time of year with their buds! Make the cutest cedar decor on our simmering potpourri jars!Throw them on the stove too with the jar ingredients! .....#simmeringpotpourri #simmerpot #potpourri #homesmellsgood #fallscents #fallscent #winterscents #christmasscents #christmasgifts #christmasgift #christmasgiftideas #homedecor #christmashome #christmashomedecor #pinetrees #cedar #scented #naturelover #naturelove
These are so cute & festive for Christmas. They are awesome all year long but there is something about them during the Holidays ❤️. Sent 15 of these cute babies off to their new homes tonight. Ingredients and how to will be released this weekend! ......#simmeringpotpourri #simmerpot #potpourri #homesmellsgood #fallscents #fallscent #winterscents #christmasscents #christmasgifts #christmasgift #christmasgiftideas #homedecor #christmashome #christmashomedecor #pinetrees #cedar #scented #naturelover #naturelove
I dislike spiders 😖 but they tend to live in a lot of my materials 🤪 #naturelove #naturelovers #natureloversgallery #cedar #cedartree #cedartrees #driedfruit #simmerpotrecipes #simmerpot #potpourri #homesmellsamazing #homesmellsgood #christmasdecorating #christmasdecorideas #christmasdecorinspo #christmasgiftideas #stockingstuffers #stockingstuffer #stockingstufferideas #giftsforher #giftsforhimorher #giftsforhim #giftsformom #christmasideas
Make one of my favorite simmering potpourri scents with me! Apple pie ❤️.