Cyber Monday SALE POST!!
Comment what you're getting for a chance to win 15 FREE extra edits! (Ill pick one person after the sales are over on Tuesday out of everyone who purchased something to win 15 extra edits!)
To purchase ant of the sale items simply click the link next to the package you want!
Submit the inquiry and I will approve you! (I am shooting today so I'll approve them between shoots! and on my lunch)
Mini Session Rewards!!!- https://book.usesession.com/t/BPkheWOr (these are a great way to do all the fun minis!!)
$150 mini session- https://book.usesession.com/t/wIrpDK4rB
2025 Unicorn Presale!(don't forget to use code 'UNICORN' at checkout!)- https://book.usesession.com/s/NJQj8HfbG
If you're wanting to book with a discount, NOW is the ONLY time I run sales all year! Do not wait! These are limited quantities and sell out every year! Don't forget you can use PayPal credit, any credit card OR pay in 4 on ANY of these sales!
Don't forget to check out the bo***ir sales in my ladies only Bo***ir group.
Link to join ---> https://www.facebook.com/share/g/1267iEPM66N/