Merry Christmas Eve!
Do you think our Team Members can finish the lyrics of some of the most popular Christmas songs ever?
We present to you “Finish the Lyric” 🎄
We asked our team what their favorite Christmas traditions are and here is what they said.
What’s your family’s favorite tradition? 🎄
Gru and the Minions have taken over Chick-fil-A LC today! Have a safe, happy, and fun Halloween! 🎃 🍌
Promotion alert! We want to shout congratulations to Jeremy on his promotion Team Leader! He has worked hard on his goals and deserves the role more than ever!! Make sure you congratulate Jeremy when you see him! 🎉 🎉
Jon is back out in the community with freebie cards! Where should be go next? #cfalenoircity
Several Team Members from @cfalenoircity biked 17 miles down the VA Creeper trail yesterday! It was cold, but amazing to spend time together on our day off!