We are in AWE of every inch of the stunning property at Maker’s Mark! We had a gorgeous evening on the lawn with our Maker’s Mark friends!😍
💐: Doug Smith Designs & Events
#lundyscatering #lundysspecialevents #makersmark #makers #bourbon #lexingtonky #catering #cateringservice #eventspace #eventinspiration #cheers
Summer Time calls for a Crab Boil! #catering #summertime #makersmark #bourbon #bourboncountry #nottheoldestjustthebest
This is how Lundy’s Does It...#partypeople #catering #bestinlex #thisishowwedoit
Our elves are hard at work...love walking into our kitchen and hearing wonderful music, sampling the Christmas cookies 🙈and seeing our team smiling! #christmastime #hohoho #merrychristmas #mostwonderfultimeofyear #teamlundys
Our girl getting her “Spray” on! #staytuned #decorating #xmas #hollyjolly #teamlundys #decor #makinspiritsbright
For almost 50 years our family has been catering, designing and producing special events for our clients...we simply could not be more proud of our family tradition! #dreamitdoit #nottheoldestjustthebest #teamlundys #familytradition #supportlocal #familybiz #sharethelex @refinedsocialevents @canvas_event_furniture @plotlandscaping @scotthayesproductions #avt @alissatibe @abbydobson @kathybeth89
Lord help us! She is a "Mini Me"! Brought the kiddos to work with me today and I turn around to my girl "playing little miss sales girl"! #familybiz #timeslowdown #mademyday #thewatcheverymovewemake #blessed
Our kitchen is grilling up some fantastic flank steak for tonight's guests! #grilltime #summertime #backyardbbq #teamlundys #nottheoldestjustthebest
Another busy week in #lundyland! #keepinthingsclean #alwaysworktodo #nottheoldestjustthebest
The RoofTop Patio at The Carrick is OPEN! #nottheoldestjustthebest #sharethelex #rooftop #rooftopbar #rooftopparty #rooftopgarden #summertime #teamlundys