Picking up a bouquet from a local florist like PCM floral in Lexington? Take it to the next level!
🎁 Add a Heather’s Garden CSA Subscription for weekly, locally grown farm-fresh flowers after Valentine’s Day for summer 2025.
🌸Printed certificate included with order.
💬DM to reserve or check out the 🔗link in the comments. Limited availability!
#flowersallseason #HeathersGarden #BestValentineGift #shoplocal
🌱From nurturing tiny seedlings indoors to seeing the first blooms unfold in the field, this season has been an incredible journey of growth, learning, and connection. Meeting so many of you at pop-up events and workshops has been the highlight of my year.
Because of your support, Heather’s Garden has thrived in its very first season—thank you for making this dream possible.
As Christmas approaches, I’m taking time to reflect on the challenges, celebrate the triumphs, and dream big for 2025.
Starting Heather’s Garden has been nothing short of an adventure—full of lessons, a few dirt-covered tears, and so much joy. This community of flower lovers and dreamers means the world to me, and I’m beyond grateful for every bouquet you’ve purchased, U-Pick events you’ve attended, and kind words you’ve shared.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with love, peace, and plenty of flowers!
🎁 Looking for a thoughtful, last-minute gift? Explore my flower subscription and gift card page here: https://sites.google.com/view/heathersgardensubscriptionorde/home .
Harvesting Happiness,
❤️Heather DeLap
#HeathersGarden #lovegrowshere #merrychristmas #HappyNewYear #lexingtonne #smallbusiness #lastminutegifts #flowerfarmer
🌻 A huge thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to our U-Pick event at Heather's Garden!
🌸 We had an amazing day and are excited to welcome you back today from 1-4 PM.
☀️ With summer winding down, there are only a few more chances to pick your own beautiful blooms this season—so don’t miss out!
🌷 Whether you're looking to brighten your day or surprise someone special, there's nothing like fresh, handpicked flowers. Come enjoy the sunshine at Heather’s Garden! 🌼
#UPickFlowers #FlowerFarmFun #SupportLocal #LexingtonNE #FreshBlooms #HeathersGarden #FlowerFarm 🌺💐
U-Pick on the farm today!!
10AM-7:00 PM
#BuyMyOwnFlowers #heathersgarden #flowerfarm #LocalFlowers
Details in the comments.
The flowers are blooming like crazy at Heather’s Garden. Enjoy a fresh bouquet with your lunch from Madeline's Cafe & Bakery - Lexington, NE tomorrow!
#madelinescafe #heathersgarden #LocalFlowers #flowerfarmer
🌸✨ Planning a party or event?
Elevate your celebration with Heather's Garden Bloom Bar! 🎉💐
Imagine your guests crafting their own stunning bouquets with our beautiful buckets of fresh flowers, delivered right to your door! It's the perfect way to add a personal touch and a splash of color to your event.
Make your gathering unforgettable—book your Bloom Bar today! 🌷❤️
#HeathersGarden #BloomBar #PartyPlanning #DIYBouquets #FlowerFarm #LocalFlowers
Embracing Growth and Patience 🌸
Flower Farm Update 6/17
Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to learn more about nurturing our beautiful plants.
Each task, though sometimes laborious, is a step towards the flower farm I envision.
Thank you for following our journey and supporting our passion for flowers. Let's keep growing together! 🌱
#FlowerFarm #patience #dedication #FromTeacherToFarmer