⭐️ Superintendent's Academic Excellence Banquet ⭐️ Yesterday was the first annual Superintendent's Academic Excellence Banquet! Check out the extremely impressive academic accomplishments of their students in fourth through twelfth grades. Students honored at the banquet had achieved all of the following criteria: ⭐️ 3.75 or higher Grade Point Average (9th - 12th grades) ⭐️ All Distinguished ratings on the Kentucky Summative Assessments ⭐️ No more than one discipline referral Additional criteria includes the following: ⭐️ A composite score of 30 or above on the ACT ⭐️ Admittance into the Governor's Scholars Program, Governor's School for the Arts, or Governor's School for Entrepreneurs!
Thank you Woodford County for hosting your annual banquet at Manchester Music Hall!
Woodford County Public Schools