This morning, I updated Virginians on the coronavirus outbreak and announced several additional actions we are taking to mitigate the spread of the virus in our Commonwealth and .
Right now, 67 people have tested positive for , and sadly 2 have died.
I'm urging Virginians to further reduce the size of public gatherings to 10 people or less, per federal guidelines. Essential services like manufacturers, distribution centers, airports, bus and train stations, medical facilities, grocery stores, and pharmacies aren't included.
I am ordering all restaurants, fitness centers, and theaters to significantly reduce their capacity to 10 patrons, or close. We encourage restaurants to continue offering carry-out and takeaway options.
Virginians with chronic health conditions and those 65 and older are at increased risk of severe illness from and should self-quarantine. We must all do our part to regularly check in with high-risk individuals who are staying at home.
We know this will affected many workers and businesses, and we're taking steps to support those who are impacted by these decisions. Learn more here:https://www.governor.virginia.gov/media/governorvirginiagov/governor-of-virginia/pdf/Frequently-Asked-Questions-from-Workers-Regarding-COVID-19.pdf
And we're helping working Virginians impacted by the outbreak by:
➡️ waiving the waiting period for unemployment benefits
➡️ enhancing eligibility for unemployment
➡️ loosening restrictions for those receiving unemployment insurance
I've ordered the VirginiaDMV to temporarily close. You can still renew a driver's license or vehicle registration online, and we will grant a 60-day extension those who can't renew online, or whose license or registration expires before May 15.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Virginia granted my request to declare a judicial emergency in Virginia, which includes a prohibition on new eviction cases for tenants who are unable to pay rent as a result of .http://www.courts.state.va.us/2020_0316_scv_order_declaration_of_judicial_emergency.pdf
The Virginia State Corporation Commission is directing the utilities it regulates—electric, natural gas, and water companies—to suspend service disconnections for 60 days. This action will provide immediate relief to customers, residential and business, who have been financially affected by .
We can, and we will get through this difficult and unprecedented public health crisis. But we must work together to do so.
For a comprehensive list of actions we are taking to combat in Virginia, visit virginia.gov/coronavirus.