In case anyone is looking for something to do. I have never been to this but I have heard really good reviews!
Tomorrow is the big day! It looks like it’s going to be some beautiful weather for it as well but be sure to dress warm.
There will be some bleachers available for seating.
Reminder that the parade route starts at the Harding Community Center goes downtown to Harding Place and back around. That’s right, you get to see the parade twice! Please do not leave until it’s all finished for the safety of everyone involved! It’s going to be a great day!
Parade starts right on the dot 5pm!
Craft sale in Harding Cross Church basement 11-4:30pm
Come checkout the gingerbread contest designs or make your own angel ornament 🐴🎅🏻❄️🎄❤️
Horse wagon rides 2-4pm
Visit with Santa 2-4pm in church basement
Harding Horse’n Around Christmas Parade 5pm
Food/bervages available in basement and outside before/during parade