I've been soaking in the New Year's light (and the freezing NH temps) contemplating everything. I am in awe of how we grow, learn, love, and keep changing. My boys are 12 and 16 now, and in October, we opened our home and became the foster family to an 11 year old we've known for years who was in need of something we knew we could give him. In this world, everything is constantly changing, and my awareness is telling me I must stay still. I must listen more, learn more, and love more than I ever have, and I'm opening my heart to do the work. As my wedding clients prepare to promise themselves to their partners for the rest of their lifetime, I'm thinking about how little is ever truly promised and how uncertain life can be. We all experience loss and are faced with challenges that seem like more than we can take, but we take them. We do the hard things, we promise, and we push through. We stay true to our word, and more light pours in. Light the candles, make the promises, and hold the hands of the ones you love. Let the magic happen. Love.
Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and that means we'll be delivering locally, and you should place your orders early. My small studio precariously tip-toes through this holiday when the temps can drop below zero. Offerings on our webshop will be updated soon. Let me help you say, "I love you."
On February 6th, I'll be collaborating with winery in Lincoln, NH, hosting a "Design & Sip" workshop with wine and roses in honor of Valentine's Day. Register with Seven Birches directly (link in profile).