Club practice at the rec
Juggling at the Livonia Rec #livonia #reccenter Livonia Rec Center
Attending a beautiful Baptism party tonight and putting on a show for the family. God Bless baby Landon and family. Shout out to the restaurant for the beautiful remodel. Used to be Ciao Italian and now it’s Aurora Italiana and it’s gorgeous inside! @auroraitaliana
Party time! Professional balloon twister and variety circus atmosphere entertainment! #birthdaycelebration #birthday #birthdayentertainment #balloontwisterdetroit #balloons #balloonanimals #balloontwister #varietyentertainment
Kayak balance
Throw back Thursday! Kayak on the face! #balance #entertainer #entertainmentdetroit #bookme
Light up ball juggle
Add LED juggling to your event! Makes for great ambiance and fun for all! #Detroit #Michigan #DetroitPerformer #MichiganPerformer #DetroitPerformers #MichiganPerformers #MichiganCircus #DetroitDancer #MichiganDancer #DetroitDancers #MichiganDancers #DetroitEntertainment #MichiganEntertainment #DetroitTalent #MichiganTalent #DetroitCorporateEvents #MichiganCorporateEvents #DetroitEvents #MichiganEvents #detroit #michigan
Unicycle juggling
Getting fancy at a fancy fundraiser for Arts&Scraps Detroit! #Detroit #Michigan #DetroitPerformer #MichiganPerformer #DetroitPerformers #MichiganPerformers #MichiganCircus #DetroitDancer #MichiganDancer #DetroitDancers #MichiganDancers #DetroitEntertainment #MichiganEntertainment #DetroitTalent #MichiganTalent #DetroitCorporateEvents #MichiganCorporateEvents #DetroitEvents #MichiganEvents #detroit #michigan
Unicycle juggling
Add unicycle juggling to an event near you! #juggler
Kayak on the face!
Wow! #balance #letsgo #performer #michiganentertainment #flintmichigan Flint Township Police Department
Happy 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day! Come to Cross Roads Village and Huckleberry RR on 4th of July and celebrate with CrazyCraigJuggling!