2022 Pre-sale Available Now!
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Thank you all so much for following along in my first year of flower farming. It’s been a lot of work but a lot of fun. Here are some of my favorite flowers from this year. Which one is your favorite? It’s a tie for me between the daffodils and the sunflowers. #flowers #locallygrown #flowerseason #midwestflowers #wisconsin #lodi #bouquet #cutflowers #springcreekflowercompany
I’ve been waiting on this flower for months. Watching the plant slowly grow and finally bud out as summer was coming to a close. Dahlia’s are gorgeous flowers, are some of the last flowers to bloom and are sensitive to frost, making for a beautiful end to the season. This is my first year growing them and I will definitely grow more next year. Did you grow dahlia’s this year too? #dahlias #dahliaflowers #varietyunknown #fallflowersinbloom #flowerfarmer #springcreekflowercompany
It may be warm today but fall is definitely here. Dry corn rustling in the wind, the world slowly going to sleep and turning brown in anticipation of winter. I love all of the seasons for what they are but fall is one of my favorites. What did you do to get out and enjoy the weekend? #september #fallishere🍁 #itspumpkinspiceseason #springcreekflowercompany
The deer really love the alfalfa field, we keep on running into them on our evening walks. The doggos did so good and just watched them go. #deer #dogwalking #farmlife #run #springcreekflowercompany
The cosmos are doing amazing right now, and the snap dragons I thought would be done a month ago are still blooming. I’m loving this late@summer garden. #flowers #flowerfarmer #florist #cosmos #snapdragons #springcreekflowercompany
I love making flower arrangements from the flowers grown in my garden. First I pick them all and put them in a bucket of cold water. Then I separate the flowers by type to make them easier to arrange. Then I combine them all together into something beautiful 💕#flowers #flowerarranging #sunflowers #locallygrownflowers #smallbusiness #springcreekflowercompany
Every year we take a few Monarch caterpillars to raise inside and later release. The field that we are working on restoring has a lot of milkweed and can support a significant Monarch population. We like to think it helps a little and the kids are learning about insect life cycles and the need for conservation. #monarchbutterflies #restoration #conservation #wisconsin #lodiwisconsin
Hey Folks, getting brave on here and posting a video with audio 😂 Enjoy a mini garden tour of about half my cut flower garden. It’s been cranking out the blooms for me even if it’s more weedy than I would like. Enjoy 😊 #gardentour #cutflowerfarm #cutflowers #summerblooms #local #smallbusiness #springcreekflowercompany