Today’s 60 seconds is “A Speck In The Rain” 🦋 My thanks to the good people who have shared my previous vids. I’m grateful. All instruments recorded with one Audigo mic. #tss6 #tss #todays60seconds #fdt #steelparade #steelpan #steeldrum #conga #keybass #drums #audigo #mikemonday #audigolabs Audigo Labs Mike Monday
“Buddy Walks Out” 🦋 If you listen closely to the end of the video, you can hear my doggy Buddy, wimper, then walk out of the room. I guess he had enough of my lame playing. Tough room. 😳#todays60seconds #tss5 #tss #steelpan #conga #drums #steelparade #steeldrum #mydog #dogsky #musiciansky #fdt 🦋
“Costco Hotdog” 🦋 Today’s 60 Seconds. I ate a Costco hotdog today for the first time. I liked it! I came home and recorded this thing. #tss4 #tss #todays60seconds #audigolabs #audigo Audigo Labs #steelparade #steeldrum #steelpan #conga #percussion #splurge #mikemonday Mike Monday 🦋
“Befora Anora” 🦋 Today’s 60 Seconds. #tss3 #tss #todays60seconds #steelparade #steelpan #steeldrum #mikemonday #splurge Mike Monday #audigo #audigolabs Audigo Labs 🦋
“The Three Tenors” 🦋 Today’s 60 Seconds. #tss2 #tss #steelpan #steelparade #steeldrums #splurge #mikemonday #audigo #audigolabs Audigo Labs 🦋
Today’s 60 Seconds. 🦋“Windy Saturday”. #todays60seconds #tss1 #tss #steeldrums #mikemonday #splurge #steelparade #steelpan #audigo #audigolabs Audigo Labs 🦋
“Skipping NAMM” 🦋#steelparade #steelpan #steeldrums #splurge #mikemonday Audigo Labs #audigolabs #audigo
“I Drum, I Conga, I Shake” #drums Audigo Labs #audigo #audigolabs #splurge #mikemonday
“I Won Six For Five” #random #splurge #testing #steelpan #steeldrums #originalmusic Audigo Labs #audigo #audigolabs
Come And Get Your Love ❤️ 😎 #drums
“Living Room Jam” 🦋Audigo Labs #audigo #audigolabs #random #percussion #bluesky #BlueSkySocial #drums