Belmont Shore is a neighborhood, it's a business district, it's a beach. Feel free to post events, questions, suggestions, recommendations and fan pages that pertain to Belmont Shore. NOTE, we typically remove posts that are:
- posted more than once
- not specific to Belmont Shore (or its immediate surrounding neighborhoods)
- commercial in nature (and please don't post your own business here)
- p
- inflammatory
- hateful
For this page, some other key things to remember are:
1. You may not harass, abuse, threaten, or advocate violence against other members or individuals or groups.
2. You may not post content that is harmful to minors.
3. You may not post content that is obscene or in violation of federal or state law.
4. We sometimes "ban" people from this page who become annoying, are too critical, or post too many negative comments or comments/posts that don't respect the guidelines above.