#plants #losangeles #hollywood #encino #larchmontvillage #greenhouse #plantsforsale #houseplants #flowers #pothos #pothosplant #pothosnjoy #hangingplants
What a Potho’s !!!!… absolutely huge !!!
#plants #losangeles #encino #hollywood #larchmontvillage #greenhouse #plantsforsale #houseplants #pothos #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantsforhealth
Another 9 foot Ficus Aurdrey sold…
Thank you @topodesigns_losangeles for babysitting my tree for a day .. #plants #losangeles #hollywood #encino #larchmontvillage #greenhouse #houseplants #rareplants #houseplants #ficusaurdrey #homedesign #plantpots #plantsofinstagram #plantsforhealing #plantsplantsplants #plantsmakepeoplehappy
A great day restocking with some amazing additions.#plants #songofindia #losangeles #hollywood #encino #larchmontvillage #plantsforsale #greenhouse #rareplants #houseplants #draceana
Loose leaf tea’s and Golden Milk available from Friday, just tried the ginger/Lemon and it’s delicious…
#looseleaftea #health #detox #hollywood #plants #losangeles #encino #larchmontvillage #plantsforsale #plantsforsale #rareplants #flowers
Super tall Ficus Aurdreys, great for a retail setting, large home or Patio, repotting service available..
Delivery service available 50 from the centre of Los angles ..
#plants #losangeles #hollywood #encino #larchmontvillage #greenhouse #plantsforsale #houseplants #plantsforsale #larchmontvillage #interiordesign #retailsetting #homedesignideas #ficusaudrey
Super Lush, large and healthy Lickerty Splits.
Direct message me for a price, I’ve 4 available..
#plants #losangeles #losangeles #hollywood #larchmontvillage #greenhouse #larchmontvillage #plantsforsale #flowers #philodendron #lickertysplit
#alocasia #plants #greenhouse #larchmontvillage #larchmontvillage #plantsforsale #losangeles #rareplants #plantsofinstagram #alocasiajacklyn
4 Ficus Aurdrey tree’s ready for the weekend …
#ficusaudrey #plants #houseplants #hollywood #greenhouse #larchmontvillage #losangeles #encino #plantsforsale #plantsfordesign #homeinterior
A quick trip around the greenhouse at @bloomin_sids HQ … some gorgeous new arrivals today with more coming ….. even got a little help for the CEO himself ! Sidney the cat .
#plants #plantsofinstagram #likemypost #greenhouse #hollywood #larchmontvillage #plantsforsale #houseplants #rareplants #alocasia #philodendron #ficusaurdrey #encino #losangeles
#plants #philodendron #philodendrontortum #plantsforsale #houseplants #larchmontvillage #hancockpark #hollywood #encino #uniqueplants
New plant stock ready for resale, all prepared and ready to find new homes #plants #philodendron #alocasia #houseplants #pottedplants #plantsofinstagram #losangeles #encino #greenhouse #hollywood #plantsforsale #larchmontvillage #rareplants