Kadan Bart Rockett

Kadan Bart Rockett America’s Got Talent TOP 14, Film Student & Actor: DARK SKIES, RUSH HOUR & many more . . . INSTAGRAM: TWITTER:

- "Real Life Harry Potter" - TOP 14 Finalist on America's Got Talent, Star of the world wide theatrical release DARK SKIES, television's RUSH HOUR, Blake Shelton's NBC Special & many, many more (See IMDB for complete listing.)

ARIZONA, we are coming Thanksgiving week!!!

ARIZONA, we are coming Thanksgiving week!!!


Congratulations to our friend Jayna Brown!!! Brooklyn Nicole Rockett, Bart Rockett & I are so very proud of you. 👏

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!” Brooklyn Nicole Rockett

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!” Brooklyn Nicole Rockett


Earlier this week, I posted video & shared my experience with Union Parish Louisiana Sheriff Dusty Gates. I was publicly called out by the daughter of the judge who oversaw the Louisiana portion of our case & would like to address what was posted. I understand some of you may not agree but many of the people this reached was family & dear friends in Union Parish so I respectfully ask you to read my response & at least put yourself in my shoes for a moment.

1. My original post (still visible on my page with video if you would like to review it) was done by me and me alone, no one else so please don't blame anyone but me.

2. I want the Judges daughter (I’m not posting her name here since many others around the world see my page as well & this is a local issue) & all of you to know that my original post was not in any way to try to be negative about her Dad. In my in-person dealings with him, I have found him to be fair, honest, up-front, & nothing but professional. Even though he may not know the full story, I believe he has done his very best & my little Sister & I do appreciate him for being the first Judge to actually allow us to be heard in his court. Being heard as a child/teen seems to be something of a rarity in other courts & he actually allowed that. We are so thankful & deeply appreciate that. In fact EVERYONE at Union Parish Court House has always been nothing but nice & respectful to us & we only have good things to say about them! They are an asset to our Parish & we will forever be grateful.

3. I personally believe that it is highly inappropriate for the daughter of the Judge to be commenting on a private case (sealed & not open to the public) that her Father is directly involved in. Especially a case that dealt with minors. At best, the information she has is second hand, however, I was there, I know ALL the details. I lived it. I still have nightmares about it.

4. I stand by EVERY SINGLE THING I posted in my original post. It is 100% TRUTH & it can be proven. You see, there were 4 video cameras recording when this all happened, 2 of which were on our bodies. Those 2 remained with us & recording until the early hours of the morning when we were finally being processed at a lockup facility. We have hours upon hours of recordings, they have all been reviewed by our attorneys & I can guarantee you AT NO TIME WERE WE DISRESPECTFUL to ANYONE during this ordeal. The audio/video does not lie. Our many friends in Union Parish who know me personally can vouch for my character & respect.

5. There are quite a few factual things in her posts that simply aren't factual but I don't want to get into a back and forth here on legal details. The bottom line is, if you would like to know more about how this originated & ended up in Louisiana, Google my name or perhaps "Rockett vs. Eighmy". It’s a federal court case where we are suing the MO Judge who caused all of this in the first place. The Supreme Court ruled against him, removed him from dealing with us, reversed his rulings & he was stripped of his immunity to face a jury trial next year for what he did to us. Lots of national & international news articles on this but literally NOTHING in the Union Parish area where some of this went down. I was not allowed to speak publicly about this for nearly 3 years, thus the reason I am finally speaking out now.

6. Our issues with Sheriff Gates are because we met with him in his office 2 times, explained everything that was going on to him, showed him the legal papers, answered his questions & he promised to protect us while we were in Union Parish. He shook our hands, looked us in the eye & gave us his cell phone number. He knew the order in MO could not possibly be valid as he knew we did not live there, knew the backstory on why the judge there was trying to involve himself, plus we showed him the laws (Federal, State, & UCCJEA) & the fact that the Supreme Court was in the process of issuing their ruling when he did the opposite of what he promised. The Judges daughter says Sheriff Gates was just following a court order & they even gave us a courtesy call but that's not the whole story. She left out some key details regarding the validity of the MO order his orders were based upon that she may not be aware of but the Sheriff certainly was! We were never given the opportunity to share these facts with the LA Judge prior to enforcement & Sheriff Gates had PROMISED US that we would have this chance if the order was ever filed in Louisiana! We were NOT given a courtesy call, our Grandfather was called but we were not there. We arrived to complete chaos, called our attorneys & followed their advice on every single move we made thereafter. We did not resist, we were NOT DISRESPECTFUL, we did not commit any crime or were accused of committing any crime. We were not even parties to the case in question! We called Sheriff Gates directly & he ignored our call while almost immediately taking one from one of his deputies standing at our homestead. He had lots of options here but chose the most harmful one to us.

Nothing anyone can say to me can convince me it was or is ever ok to place innocent kids in handcuffs, not allow them to eat & sleep deprive them for hours, subject them to psychological exams, & lock them in solitary confinement jail cells for 2 days is appropriate. Basic common sense says this is NOT ok to do to kids. The psychological harm, the nightmares, the distrust of authorities, I could go on & on. THIS WAS A CUSTODY ISSUE NOT A CRIMINAL ISSUE, yet it was treated like a criminal issue. Sherrif Gates was operating with a PICKUP ORDER, NOT an arrest warrant. There was no need to treat us the way we were treated. There was no need to place us in handcuffs & leave us locked up for as long as we were! There was no need to make us go without food & deprive us from sleep for so many hours. I stand behind everything I said in my original post & my calling it what it is: ABUSE. If Sheriff Gates had just waited a mere 12 hours, (simply the next morning instead of doing this overnight) the official Supreme Court ruling would be out like we told him & this would never have happened! (Look up how many other Union Parrish warrants are just waiting currently & you might wonder WHY a pickup order was so urgent when we were perfectly safe, where we wanted to be, & where we still are to this very day!)

The bottom line here is I lived this & I deal with the nightmares from it. No one could possibly understand the hurt/damage it has caused except for my little Sister & I. You are more than welcome to disagree with my vote for Sheriff all you want, you can even believe what you want about my motives/involvement/timing but please don’t ever again accuse me of being disrespectful or lying about what happened that night because the full audio/video will clearly show that is NOT the case.

I will never be able to get the sound of my little Sisters sobbing & me not being able to protect her that night out of my head. I will continue to do everything I can to create awareness, new case law (our case is actually being used in some law schools to train future lawyers/judges), & call for change so that something like this NEVER happens to other innocent children/teens.

Whoever has read this far, I sincerely thank you for giving me the time you have given to at least let me share my heart. I love Louisiana, & so many of the wonderful people who call it home. It will always be my “homestead” & regardless of who agrees or disagrees with me, I’ll always stand up for the truth & what I believe in.


Residents of UNION PARISH, LOUISIANA: I have been silenced for nearly 3 years about what happened to my little Sister & I at the hands of Sheriff, Dusty Gates & Union Parish Sheriff’s Dept., however, I just turned 18, am a legal adult & want to share our experience with this person who is running for reelection.

In late August of 2020, my Sister & I (then ages 13 & 15) were in the midst of a custody issue. A MO Judge (who did NOT have jurisdiction over us) issued pick-up orders to force us to leave family, friends, our church & the life that we love & go live in Utah, where we did NOT want to live. He had no authority to do this because we were not residents of his state! We filed for his recusal, submitted complaints with the proper authorities & appeals against his illegal orders. This took weeks to go through the system & went all the way to the MO Supreme Court before we finally won everything we requested.

During the time we were waiting on the Supreme Court to issue justice in our case, we were staying at our homestead in Union Parish, Louisiana. We personally met with Sheriff Gates, showed him the illegal orders, explained to him in detail about what was going on, answered his questions & he promised he would protect us. He gave us his card & even his direct cell phone number.

Several weeks later, we again personally met with Sheriff Gates to give him an update. We brought our legal papers from MO Supreme Court & shared that they would be issuing their ruling shortly.

Despite this, Union Parish Sheriff deputies showed up at our homestead to try & force us to go to Utah. We immediately called Sheriff Gates cell phone, he did not answer & we left an urgent message. We asked the deputies to call him, they did & he immediately answered. We were shocked & hurt that he did not tell them to stand down. We felt lied to & betrayed.

Union Parish Sheriff Deputies, under the direction of Dusty Gates, entered our home that night, during the height of Covid, with no masks, gloves, or protective gear whatsoever, even though they were told that I am considered "high-risk" because of my Asthma. We had not yet had dinner, were starving but weren't allowed to eat. The deputies proceeded to arrest my Sister & I but would not articulate any crime we had committed. We were respectfully sitting inside our homestead on our family property, never raising our voices or being disruptive whatsoever. We tried explaining what was going on but they handcuffed us (one was particularly rough & needlessly so), placed us in separate Sheriff Department vehicles (in the caged back where criminals ride) and we were locked up in jail cells under solitary confinement (no visitors allowed)!!! We had not had food since lunchtime and were kept up until approximately 4:30am, not allowed to eat during this time, we were searched, forced to remove all our clothes, shower & put on “jail uniforms”. After being placed in separate cells, we were not allowed to sleep as we were then taken for a “psychological exam” in the middle of the night. When we finally were allowed to go back to our cells and go to bed, we were awakened for breakfast shortly thereafter. The food was horrible, there were cockroaches in my cell and I could not get away from them. I was not allowed to communicate with my Sister, much less speak to an attorney. We were terrified, didn’t understand what was going on or if & when we would ever get out.

When we were illegally arrested for no crime committed, we were read our Miranda Rights, which promised us access to an attorney. When we asked for an attorney later that evening, we were incorrectly told that we could not have one because we were minors. My Sister pointed out that we were guaranteed one if we had been arrested and they then told us that we had "not been arrested" but were just being held. If this was true, why the handcuffs? Why the rough treatment? Why were we being “held” against our will? If we weren't legally arrested, doesn't this fit the definition of kidnapping?

The morning after our “arrest”, The MO Supreme Court issued orders to vacate the MO Judge’s rulings. He was immediately removed from our case & his orders were completely reversed! This is what we had been telling Sheriff Gates all along because what the Judge had done was not only against MO law but against Federal Laws as well as UCCJEA (the oversight on inter-state child custody). We had shared ALL of this with Dusty Gates in our previous in-person meetings & even showed him the exact legal papers proving what we were saying.

After the Supreme Court issued their orders undoing the illegal orders, we still sat in jail all day and all night until the next afternoon before we were finally released back to the custody of our Dad. Since then, we have made several attempts to reach out to Sheriff Gates but he has never spoken with us since. We have requested the video footage that existed of what happened at the Sheriff’s office but were denied access to it. Instead, the entire situation has been covered up & no local media has covered the story despite it becoming national & international news outside of Union Parish with hundreds of articles & reports! (Google: Kadan Rockett or Rockett vs. Eighmy ) We have filed a Federal lawsuit and so far have won two appeals stripping the MO judge of his Judicial Immunity. The Judge set to face trial before a Federal Jury because of his illegal actions.

Prior to all of this, Sheriff Gates was fully aware of the Rockett family & our deep roots in Union Parish. He was aware that we are “straight A”, honor students, were finalists on NBC America’s Got Talent, have done extensive national & international television, several movies, & numerous national commercials. Most importantly, he knew that we have NEVER been in any trouble whatsoever, and that we are respectful young Christians who are actively involved in the church & community. He knows our Grandad very well & certainly knew that we were safe, where we wanted to be, & in no danger whatsoever when he allowed this to be done to us, with ZERO attempts to intervene. He could have easily picked up his phone, called the local Judge & explained what he knew to try to protect us as he promised, but he did not. He could have easily told his deputies to not handcuff us or lock up innocent kids but he did not. He could have easily reached us to see if we were ok, to check on us or maybe even apologize after the Supreme Court ruled the order illegal (just like we had clearly shown him in his office, quoting the exact laws to him) but he did not. He has not seen us when we have stopped by (he always seems to be out of the office when we are there), he has not returned calls and when he has come into contact with our Grandad at events, pretends that nothing is wrong & ignores the facts of what he allowed to happen to us. Last week, (Oct. 2nd) we attended one of his campaign events in Marion, Louisiana to try to get some answers. My Dad stood up in front of everyone & asked him if his office had made any changes to ensure that innocent kids are never arrested & treated like this again. He refused to answer the question & then ran away afterwards, literally hiding in the back so he didn’t have to face us.

We don’t believe that innocent kids should be handcuffed & locked in cages for ANY REASON whatsoever. This is CHILD ABUSE & common sense will tell you it’s just plain wrong. Sheriff Gates is running for re-election on the platform that “Experience Counts” but quite frankly, WE DON’T NEED OR WANT THIS EXPERIENCE!

As a legal adult & first-time voter, I will use my public platform & vote to seek changes in policies, laws & politicians when necessary, so that something like this will NEVER scar another innocent kid for life.

Everything I have said here is the truth & you can easily google the facts of this by searching my name or those involved. It’s all public record.

Thank you. ❤️

Thank you. ❤️

Happy 18th Birthday to my big Brother, Kadan Bart Rockett!!!!!!!! 🎉 🎂 🎈 🎁

HERSHEY'S & Sam's Club, please explain this to everyone: You are selling a box of 52 Candy Bars to fundraising groups & ...

HERSHEY'S & Sam's Club, please explain this to everyone: You are selling a box of 52 Candy Bars to fundraising groups & suggesting they sale them for $1 each. The cost is $48.36 + $3.63 tax for a total of $51.99 & if ALL bars are sold, the group would make .01, as in a whopping ONE CENT PROFIT . . . ONE FREAKING PENNY!!! HOW do you all have the audacity to advertise on the box that “HERSHEY’S MAKES RAISING FUNDS EASY”??? Last I checked, selling 52 candy bars & making a one penny profit is NOT an easy way to raise funds.

UPDATE: Sams Club corporate social media team has politely reached out to me assuring me that they will be be passing this on to the correct department for review. They were very prompt in responding & I appreciate them for doing so. I am not & was not mad, just laughing and poking fun at the absurdity of what I saw being promoted.

We pack LIGHT.   Brooklyn Nicole Rockett Bart Rockett

We pack LIGHT. Brooklyn Nicole Rockett Bart Rockett

Come see us LIVE! Here’s our tour dates for the next 30 days.  If you are in the Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Nebra...

Come see us LIVE! Here’s our tour dates for the next 30 days. If you are in the Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Nebraska, Florida, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, or Northern New Mexico areas, we are coming to a stage near you! (or “nearish” depending on what part of the state you live in.) If none of these are near you, get your local promoter or theater to invite us to your city!

Tickets on sale now;

More dates announced soon! Bring us to your city: [email protected]
Brooklyn Nicole Rockett Bart Rockett Bart Rockett

WIN tickets to our Naples, Florida live performance! Register now and share for your chance to win.

WIN tickets to our Naples, Florida live performance! Register now and share for your chance to win.

Describe your event’s registration contest here.


Three new TOUR dates just added:

May 6th - Naples, Florida
May 14th - Daytona Beach, Florida
June 17th - Augusta, Georgia

TIckets on sale today! Lots more coming on our nationwide tour.
Brooklyn Nicole Rockett


Los Angeles, CA



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