Black Cat BBQ

Black Cat BBQ Black Cat BBQ is a full service catering company operating in Los Angeles. Come and see us at the Farmer’s Markets in Beverly Hills and Century City.

Black Cat BBQ is a full service catering company operating in the Los Angeles area. Started by Phil Martin, the company specializes in bringing the finest smoked meats and Southern comfort food to the people of Southern California. What distinguishes Black Cat BBQ from its competitors is Phil's extensive background in numerous regional barbecue styles. From a young age, Phil was taught by his fath

er the ways of smoking whole hogs the South Carolina way. Time spent in Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Florida, and Colorado have made him an expert in an unusually wide range of BBQ styles. Everyone who has tasted his cooking agrees, Phil can get down!

Strap in, I have lot of information to share!!First things first, we will not be at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market thi...

Strap in, I have lot of information to share!!

First things first, we will not be at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market this Sunday 9/8/24. It’s supposed to be over 100° in Beverly Hills on Sunday. End of story. We’ll see ya next week.

Beverly Hills Next Night Street Festival

Saturday, September 28.

The city of Beverly Hills and the folks at Next Beverly Hills have asked us to participate in this event.
Some of you guys already know that this event is huge. Definitely the largest event that we’ve ever participated in. Last year’s event had an estimated attendance of 5000 people. That’s biblical!

Because this is a Saturday evening event, we will not be at the Farmers Market the following day. I apologize in advance.

For more information, here’s a link to the city if Beverly Hills website. (

Heritage Fire Festival
In March of this year, we participated in the LA Wine and Food Festival. We were told that we were the most popular booth for the entire weekend. Well, the presenters of that festival have created a competition so that it can be proven once and for all. We’ve been invited to compete on Sunday October 6 in the parking lot of the Bonaventure Hotel downtown. How the competition works, the invited “chefs” (eye roll) will make a dish for festival attendees to sample. Attendees will then vote for their favorite bite. Real scientific. The winner gets a wooden plaque and bragging rights. Other competitors, Heritage BBQ of San Juan Capistrano, the only California bbq restaurant with a Michelin star. Needless to say, I plan on bringing my A game because I’m not coming to lose. I’ll be testing dishes in the coming weeks.

If you’re interested in coming to this event, you can pre-order your tickets with the discount code BLACKCATBBQ. General admission is $125 and VIP is $175. You read those numbers right. (

As well, we’ll be missing that Sunday’s market. I apologize in advance.

Turn and face the strange Ch-ch-changes
($3 discount to anyone who can name that song!)
I started this business in 2017 and I’ve always cooked the bbq at my house and I’ve always done everything else at a commissary kitchen. This set up has not been ideal, but my chosen style of cooking has made it an inherent pain in the tuchas. As most of you know, I’ve hoped to start my own restaurant, and before Covid struck, I was on my way. I’m not going to cry over spilled milk, because that’ll probably drive me crazy.

Moving forward, I’m going to doing the next best thing. I’ve found a commissary kitchen in East LA that will let me bring my smoker, so we'll be moving in there in the coming weeks. We will be adding a few more farmers markets, and more opportunities for folks to buy our food. I’m excited about this change, but I’m also scared. Stay tuned for other changes.

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I’ve missed seeing your faces!Again i apologize for my spotty attendance over the past 2 weeks, but I have weathered a s...

I’ve missed seeing your faces!

Again i apologize for my spotty attendance over the past 2 weeks, but I have weathered a storm (personally). Side note, if anyone has the number of a person who does concrete, me and the wife are in need. Also heads up, we (the entire Black Cat BBQ team) are about to undergo a major transition. In the coming months, we are going to be expanding the operation. We are not opening an actual restaurant, but we will be doing the next best thing. We are going to be adding more farmers markets to our weekly schedule and in the very near future, we’ll be in some of those delivery apps. Stay tuned for locations, where, and when. In the meantime, you can still catch us every Sunday at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market and every Wednesday at the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market.

Another note about our attendance on Sundays at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market. We have been invited to 2 incredible events in September and October. We have been invited to participate in the Beverly Hills Next Night Street Festival on Saturday, September 28. And we have been invited to compete in the Heritage Fire Tour at the Bonaventure Hotel on Sunday October 6. I’ll have more details about these events in the coming weeks, and I apologize for my absences in advance.

It looks like the weather forecast for tomorrow is doing to be glorious. We will have our regular menu on deck and I hope to see all of your shining faces.

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I apologize for this inconvenience, but we will not be at the farmers market this week. I know that this will make 2 wee...

I apologize for this inconvenience, but we will not be at the farmers market this week. I know that this will make 2 weeks in a row but, we will be back next week. Again, I apologize.

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National Night Out Was BananasThank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to the National Night Out sponsored...

National Night Out Was Bananas

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to the National Night Out sponsored by the Beverly Hills Police Department. We sold out of everything in 2 hours, holy moly! I don’t know what else to say about that. Sheesh!

So, I learned a huge lesson last night. I am going to be putting the Beef Back Ribs on the menu permanently, starting Sunday. I apologize for not doing that sooner. The pricing will be as follows:

Beef Back Ribs
Full Rack (7 Bones) $65
Half Rack. (4 bones) $35
Beef Ribs Meal (3 bones) $30

Kitty cat drama:
So, now with the addition of Josie and Reggie, we now have 4 black cats, including Isaac (16 yrs old) and Franklin (5 yrs old). Isaac managed to get out sometime on Friday and we didn’t realize it until early Saturday morning. Being that it was 4am, there wasn’t much that we could do until the sun came up. Also, we live on the side of a hill and our neighborhood is crawling with coyotes.

The sun came up, Isaac was nowhere to be found. Several hours went by and still no Isaac. In our minds, me and the wife were ready to plan his funeral. Around 10am, we heard a cat scream down the street. The wife gasps, thinking it was him. So, I go running out the house yelling for Isaac, like an idiot. I make another round on the yard and I see a shadow underneath one of trees. I steel my nerves in case I’m looking at a dead Isaac. Luckily, it was a sleeping Isaac. That little rascal was taking a nap.

Being that we have so many coyotes, and hawks, and fast moving cars, in the neighborhood, Isaac probably saw some things that he was trying to sleep off. But, he’s still alive, uninjured, frisky, and vocal. Alls well that ends well.

Can’t wait to see y’all on Sunday!


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Tuesday 8/6/24 5pm-8pmI apologize for the late notice, but we’ve been having some cat drama that I’ll tell you about lat...

Tuesday 8/6/24 5pm-8pm

I apologize for the late notice, but we’ve been having some cat drama that I’ll tell you about later in the week. We will not be at the Cedars Sinai farmers market this Wednesday, because of the special event on Tuesday. We’ll be back next week. Now, on to the headline.

For the second year in a row, we've been invited to the National Night Out, hosted by the Beverly Hills Police Department. This is an annual event to promote community relations. There will be demonstrations by the motorcycle division, a DJ, a bounce house for the kids, food trucks, an ice cream truck, and us. For this event, I’m pulling out all of the stops.

National Night Out Menu:
Brisket Frito Pies
Beef Back Ribs
Pulled Lamb
Lemon Pepper Chicken Legs
All Beef Hot Dogs
Prime Beef Brisket
Smoked Turkey Breast

The event will be on Rexford, between Burton and Santa Monica. We’ll be located right in front of the library on Rexford. You can park in the same parking structure as the farmers market
at 9300 Civic Center Dr.

For more information: (

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Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!!! Come and see us this Tuesday 8/6/24 from 5pm-8pm at the National Night Out, hosted by the  We...

Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!!! Come and see us this Tuesday 8/6/24 from 5pm-8pm at the National Night Out, hosted by the We’ll be serving some special items this night only.
Frito Pies, topped with our Brisket Chili.
Beef Back Ribs
Pulled Lamb
Lemon Pepper Smoked Chicken Legs
Hot Dogs (I’m doing it for the children)
As well as our regular menu.
I can’t wait to see you there!!


Did you miss us?I got called a California Sissy, ha!S Carolina is very humid!So, I'm back from vacation in S Carolina an...

Did you miss us?

I got called a California Sissy, ha!

S Carolina is very humid!
So, I'm back from vacation in S Carolina and I'm ready to cook. I got a chance to hang out with my family a little bit and I cooked up some of the same bbq that I cook for you guys. Which was nice. The average humidity was around 75% and it was awful. Luckily all of the activities were indoors.

Me and my brother went out to breakfast on Friday and an older couple was seated nest to us. He asked where I was from because he couldn't place our accents. My brother told him that he lived in Colorado and I live in California. The guy said "I guess you're a cowboy and he's a sissy". I said "sir, would you like be on the news today?" If you don't know what I meant with my comment, ask me.

The picture below is from L to R
Me, my brother LaMont, my mom, my sister in law, their grandson, their grand daughter, my niece, and her BF.

New Kitties
The Black Cat BBQ team just gained 2 new members. Meet Carl and Gary and don't ask me which one is which. I picked them up yesterday and they almost identical. I'm taking them to the vet this morning, so I should be able to get a better look at them then. So. now we have 4 black cats and I think that officially makes me the crazy cat lady. I'll wear that badge with honor.


Picklefest is on August 4th at the Beverly Hills Farmers' Market and we’re looking for contestants for the Pickling contest. There are 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes in two different categories so there is a good chance that you will be a winner!

You can register online with ease at ( fill out the online application under the picklefest graphic, and click submit. There are two categories; “I can pickle that” and the “Best Dill pickle in Beverly Hills.” You can submit an entry in either category or both! Your pickled produce will be judged by dignitary judges and it’s a fun way to experience the Beverly Hills Farmers Market. You can win up to $200 in Beverly Hills Farmers Market money!

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Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Joey Trudeau you been supporting me since the early 90’s. I appreciate ya!!

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎

Joey Trudeau you been supporting me since the early 90’s. I appreciate ya!!

Im Still On Vacation!I’m still in S Carolina until tomorrow, assuming that that global Microsoft Armageddon has been cle...

Im Still On Vacation!

I’m still in S Carolina until tomorrow, assuming that that global Microsoft Armageddon has been cleaned up. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we’ll be back at the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market on Wednesday and the Beverly Hills Famers Market next Sunday.

The Beverly Hills Farmers Market is again hosting their annual Picklefest on Sunday August 4th. They are celebrating all things pickles and that are having 2 contests. The first contest is for the best dill pickles and the other contest is for pickled anything (anything edible). Below there is a link if you are interested in competing. (

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We will not be the Cedars Sinai and the Beverly Hills Farmers Market this week.I’m  out of town this week for a family r...

We will not be the Cedars Sinai and the Beverly Hills Farmers Market this week.

I’m out of town this week for a family reunion in S Carolina and I’ll be back in time for next Wednesday’s market. I just got through a journey that started at 1:30am pst, so I’m going to keep this short and sweet. I’ll have some good stories to tell later in the week, I promise!


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Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Truth be told, I’m your biggest fan!!!Greta Dunlap

Big shout out to my newest top fans! 💎Truth be told, I’m your biggest fan!!!

Greta Dunlap

This week was hard!First things first, how are ya’ll doin? I certainly hope that everything is alright! This story begin...

This week was hard!

First things first, how are ya’ll doin? I certainly hope that everything is alright!

This story begins with my wife having cataract surgery on Tuesday. She’s doing alright, taking lots of eye drops and wearing a sexy eye patch. Im kidding about the sexy part. Tuesday happens to be the day that I start cooking for the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market. So, now my cook schedule is a little discom-bobbled. No problem, I can adjust.

So, I’m cooking for the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market on Wednesday morning and I also happened to have a catering order on top of that. It’s about 5am and put a big pot of water on the stove to boil the pasta for the mac n cheese. It’s a big pot and it usually takes 20-30 min to come up to a boil. I check it at 615 and it’s still not boiling. Hmm. I go back to doing other stuff, checking the fire on the smoker, loading the serving utensils and cutting board, blah blah blah. I come back at 645 and the pot is still not boiling. I wonder aloud “what’s the deal?” Welp, the deal was that I forgot to turn to stove on. I yell a word that I won’t repeat in this setting. Now, I’m an hour and 15 minutes behind. Uggh. I turn on the stove and start to reconfigure my strategy. And now, I wish that was the end to the mishaps.

While the pot of water is coming up to a boil, I wash a few things that i had used to cook other stuff. Trying to be proactive. It’s now time to remove the baked beans from a huge pot of beans, also on the stove. Keep in mind that I’ve been washing dishes and now my hands are wet and somewhat soapy. I grab the pot with 2 hands, I’m not stupid, right? Welp, my hands slip and half of the pit of beans hits the floor. I yell the same word from earlier, only louder and on repeat. Now I’ve got to stop what I’m doing, go and get a shovel, because thats how much beans are now on the floor. Keep in mind that I’m already running behind. That rhymed.

Anyway, I was able to overcome, got to the market relatively on time and got my catering order delivered on time.

So, after this challenging week, I’m going to throw the kitchen sink at you guys this weekend. Not only am I making Brisket Burnt Ends, your favorite. But, I’m also bringing the Pulled Lamb. I’ve lost my mind and it’s gonna be crazy on Sunday. We’re supposed to have cool temperatures, so I hope to see all of your smiling faces!

Side note about the chicken situation. This preorder situation has been a pain the rear. So what I’m going to do is make it a secret menu item. It is permanently off of the menu, but I will have it available. If you want some chicken, just ask. Also, if there is something special that you would like to order, like beef ribs or chicken wings, I can make those for preorder, anytime. Just send me an email and I will cook it up for you.


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The Heat Is On!Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to the farmers markets last week and purchased cat...

The Heat Is On!

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to the farmers markets last week and purchased catering on the 4th. I truly appreciate you!

For those that know and those who dont know, there is a new lunchtime farmers market at Cedars Sinai Hospital on Wednesdays from 11am-2pm. It started on May 22 and we joined it on June 19.

The market is located at 8730 Alden Dr and is on the second floor of the employee parking lot on the NW corner of George BurnsRd and Alden Dr. There is no public parking in the employee lot, but there is a visitor parking lot across the street. The market is open to the public, but there aren’t any signs on the street to help folks find it. I don’t know why.

The Cedars Sinai Farmers Market is rather small with mostly hot food available. They have 1 or 2 farmers selling produce, a fella selling hummus and yogurt, and a few people selling art and jewelry. For the hot food vendors, they have me, a guy making Cuban Sandwiches, Chinese Dim Sum (really good), tamales, and pupusas.

If you’re in the area, come on down!!!

Brisket Burnt Ends this Sunday at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market!!

Brisket Burnt Ends
It’s time again to unleash the dragon, so to speak. The Brisket Burnt Ends have become one my most popular specials. They come from the more marbled (fatty) of the brisket. I completely remove that part of the brisket and season it on all sides. Then I smoke em for 5-6 hours. Next I cut them into 1-1 1/2 inch cubes and douse it in sweet bbq sauce. I then return them to the smoker, so that bbq sauce caramelizes. Yum!

The Brisket Burnt ends are priced at $36/lb and there is a 1lb limit per order. That is the Russell Rule. You can purchase as little as 1/4lb. The flavor is super intense, so feel as though you need to overdo it. Come and get them before they’re gone!

BBQ Class
I’m creating a class on grilling and basic bbq techniques and I’m so excited that I wanted to share. The class would touch on the following topics:
Grill selection and anatomy
Necessary and unnecessary accessories
Fire starting and maintenance
Fire safety
Food safety
Basic recipes including rubs, sauces, appetizers, mains, sides, and desserts
Hot and a fast cooking vs low and slow
Clean up

I’m working on securing a venue as we speak. Is that something that you would be interested in?

Phil’s going on vacation
I’m going to S Carolina for a family reunion and I’ll be gone from 7/16-7/22. That means that we will not be at the farmers markets during that time. We’ll be missing the Wednesday market on 7/17 and the Sunday market on 7/21. We’ll be back the next week.

Social Media Discount
Post a picture of our food, our sign, me, or an employee to either Facebook or Instagram and you will receive a discount of $3 off your next purchase of $10 or more. You must be following us on that platform and you must tag to the post or story. If you have no idea the meaning of what I just said, ask your grandkids. Ha!

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BH has always been so supportive!Greta Dunlap thank you for everything!

BH has always been so supportive!

Greta Dunlap thank you for everything!

Welcome our new BBQ vendor to our market family!

Call me Petty Roosevelt!I had a long week of catering obstacles, thanks to some vegans with food allergies. Now it’s tim...

Call me Petty Roosevelt!

I had a long week of catering obstacles, thanks to some vegans with food allergies. Now it’s time for me to be petty and get some get back. For this week only, I’m putting brisket back in the beans. Some of you old timers might remember that thats how I used to do it. Some of you have been hassling me to bring it back. Well, today is your day! Vegans be damned.


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It’s been a heckuva week!First off, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has purchased anything from me, past o...

It’s been a heckuva week!

First off, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has purchased anything from me, past or present. I truly appreciate you. This past week was a monster with Father’s Day and Juneteenth. I’m not complaining, but it was nice when Thursday rolled around and I was about to get a full nights sleep actually at night, ha.

This week we started with Father’s Day and it was a very busy one at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market. Then in Monday, we catered a Juneteenth event for the Directors Guild of America. Then, on Wednesday, we had our debut at the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market. Spoiler alert, it was also very busy.

This weekend, we’re back to our regular grind starting tomorrow in Beverly Hills. Remember, chicken is now available for pre-order only. If you want to know why, ask me.

On Wednesday, we’re back at Cedars Sinai. I have to share a funny thought. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more secure than working in proximity to a huge group of people who all know CPR and have quick access to a defibrillator.

Policy Changes:
We’re bringing back the social media discount. You must post a photo of our food, an employee, or our sign to either Facebook or Instagram and tag us . You must also be following us on instagram or Facebook. You can then redeem that for $3 off your next purchase of $10 or more.

We are now selling sparkling water and if you’re into that sort of thing, yippee Kai yay!

Below is a picture of Taylor Eaton of Sum’ Sweet Bakery celebrating Juneteenth in our T-shirt. It’s a cool image and I wanted to share.

See ya tomorrow!

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I apologize for sending 2 emails in 1 week.Again, I apologize for filling up your inbox with my emails. I’ve got some br...

I apologize for sending 2 emails in 1 week.

Again, I apologize for filling up your inbox with my emails. I’ve got some breaking news that has to be shared in a timely fashion.

First of all, today is the last day to get your Father’s Day pre orders in. It’s super important that if you need to make a large order for Sunday, that you get it in to me today. As well, if you want the Giant Dinosaur Beef Ribs, order them today. I’ve got a crazy weekend of catering jobs and I will not be able to respond to emails or text messages on Friday or Saturday. I’m going to say that again for the people in the back. If you send me an email or text on Friday or Saturday, I will not respond. So, get your order in today, or just hope for the best on Sunday.

Starting next Wednesday, we will be joining the Cedars Sinai Farmers Market. The market runs from 11am-2pm every Wednesday. We’ll be serving up the same menu as we do on Sundays in Beverly Hills. The location is a little funky, it’s in a courtyard on the second floor of the employee parking lot on George Burns and Alden. That’s a mouthful. There is a visitors parking lot on the other side of George Burns and there is also some street parking available. (

Fathers Day Menu
Prime Beef Brisket. $36/lb
Giant Beef Dinosaur Ribs $50 for 1/ $125/rack
Pork Spareribs $36/rack
Carolina Pulled Pork $24/lb
Turkey Breast $28/lb

Sides $18/Quart
BBQ Baked Beans
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Brisket Chili
Collard Greens
Cornbread $12/half pan $24/full pan

Pick ups at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market on Sunday 6/16/24

Email orders to [email protected]


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This email is going to be long, so skip to the end if you want to see what’s happening for Fathers Day!Hey Y’all,I apolo...

This email is going to be long, so skip to the end if you want to see what’s happening for Fathers Day!

Hey Y’all,

I apologize for missing last week’s email blast. My summer calendar was looking pretty open until last week, when my inbox blew up. I’ll have some good stuff to share with you very soon. Side note, if you plan on hosting a party or employee lunch, let me know, we do offer catering.

So, this Sunday is Father’s Day. Father’s Day is special to me and my business. My father, Melvin Martin is the person who taught me to bbq. As well, Father’s Day is the anniversary of our joining the Beverly Hills Farmers Market. In 2017, I started this business after a vacation that me and the wife took to Vancouver, Canada. We made the mistake of going to a “southern bbq” restaurant in Canada. Crazy, right? The wife said “You should do this as a business, because succeed or fail, at least you have good tasting food. These fools don’t even have that.” So that’s how it started.

I came home and did some research into permits and licenses, the fun stuff. I had been watching the tv show BBQ Pitmasters and there was a guy on there from Long Beach named Big Mista. He said that he started his business by doing farmers markets and that made sense to me. It seemed like a good way to get in front of people that didn’t know me. So I modeled my business after his. Kind of like the movie “Single White Female”, but with 2 middle aged, portly African American men. Let me know if any of you want to make that movie.

Once I got all of my sellers permit and business license, I emailed a bunch of local farmers markets, including Beverly Hills. Greta Dunlap, the market manager at the time, emailed me back in 12 minutes. I included a screenshot of that email and you can see that I even misspelled the word vendor. She didn’t know me. No one vouched for me. To this day, I have no idea why she was so quick to take a chance on me. But I’m glad that she did.

A week later, I took over some samples and she told me what the next steps would be. She also gave me some input into what my menu should be. (She told me that I need to have brisket on my menu. Truth be told, she was sampling the second brisket I ever made in my entire life.) I asked if I should try and do something fancy and healthy. She said “who’s gonna buy fancy and healthy food from you”. That was a brutally frank way of saying just be yourself.

A couple of weeks before my start date, I went to physically check it out. There was a sign, with my logo, announcing that I was coming. Greta didn’t tell me that she was going to do that. In my wildest dreams, I couldn’t imagine the city of Beverly Hills rolling out the red carpet for me. Again, I’m a nobody who claims to cook to some good bbq and these folks are lifting me up. What a world.

June 18, 2017 was my first day as a vendor at the Beverly Hills Farmers Market. Of course, I was late. But Greta had been hyping me up and there was a line of people waiting for me. Some of you guys reading this email were in that line. I was late, but the food was good. The next week, there were a few more people in the line and the rest is history.

For Father’s Day, get your pre orders in by Friday. The giant beef dinosaur ribs will be available 1 for $50 or a rack for $125. The Russell rule is in effect. If you want more than 1 rack, you must pre order them. Going forward, chicken is only available by pre order. Email your orders to [email protected]

Fathers Day Menu
Prime Beef Brisket. $36/lb
Giant Beef Dinosaur Ribs $50 for 1/ $125/rack
Pork Spareribs $36/rack
Carolina Pulled Pork $24/lb
Turkey Breast $28/lb

Sides $18/Quart
BBQ Baked Beans
Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Brisket Chili
Collard Greens
Cornbread $12/half pan $24/full pan

[email protected]

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That time I was featured in a national magazine.

That time I was featured in a national magazine.

We’re taking the weekend off!First off, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to see us this past weeke...

We’re taking the weekend off!

First off, thank you thank you thank you to everyone who came out to see us this past weekend. I really appreciate you all (ya’ll). Secondly, we will not be at this weekend’s farmers market because I’ll be out of town. We’ll be back next week for the Piesta Pie Festival. If you’re interested in competing in the pie making competition, you can find sign up information below.

Father’s Day is coming up on 6/16/24 and that tends to be a very busy day for us. Please please please get your preorders in right away. Don’t make dad cook his own dinner on that day. Let me do it. But I beg of you, get your orders in early! The cutoff is Thursday 6/13/24.

Side note: Me and the wife started watching the show Hacks on HBO. It’s really good and I recommend it. Also, I’m open to suggestions on other shows to watch. Keep in mind that I don’t have all of the streaming sites, just a few.


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The Beverly Hills Farmers Markets needs Pie Makers.Every year, the Beverly Hills Farmers Market is host to the Piesta on...

The Beverly Hills Farmers Markets needs Pie Makers.

Every year, the Beverly Hills Farmers Market is host to the Piesta on June 9, 2024. What is the Piesta you ask. Well, it’s a festival celebrating everything Pie. They have a pie baking contest, a pie eating contest, and special live entertainment. I come to you this afternoon in an effort to find contestants for these competitions. If you have a great pie recipe, please sign up and compete. If you think you or your children can eat an inhuman amount of pie, come and get your eat on! Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to enter the pie eating contest, rats!

But, I digress. This is a little premature, but that Sunday is my birthday weekend, I plan on making a menu called “Phil’s Favorite Things”. I will have some of my personal favorite dishes on the specials menu. The giant beef ribs will be making an appearance, amongst others. I will be sending more information on that as we get closer to that date.

The whole point of this email is to wrangle up some more pie baking contestants. If you or some one you know makes a knockout pie, be sure to enter the contest. Entry information is below.

Don’t forget to get your Memorial Day orders in right away!!

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This year has flown by!So, Memorial Day is coming up this week, and I feel like New Year’s Day was just yesterday, oy! W...

This year has flown by!

So, Memorial Day is coming up this week, and I feel like New Year’s Day was just yesterday, oy! Where did the time go. Memorial Day is the unofficial start to summer and that means spotty attendance for me. Please be sure to read these emails so that you know when I’m going to be out of town. Off the top of my head, I’m going to be out of town one weekend in June and one in July. I’ll be more specific as we get close to those dates. Also, if the temperature gets above 100°, I’ll be taking that day off as well. I love cooking up bbq, but I’m not willing to die for it.

If you’re having a Memorial Day backyard get together and you would like to serve up some of my bbq, let me know in advance. I don’t want you to show up to the Beverly Hills Farmers Market on Sunday and get an unpleasant surprise. I’m taking preorders up until Thursday. Preorders are a minimum of $50.

Also, thank you to everyone who came out to the market yesterday. I was blessed to have my wife and niece in attendance and some of you guys got to meet them. Yay!

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