Social Media: Are we Instagram friends, or are we just engaging in obligatory follows?
It’s called “social media” for a reason. But lately, it feels less social and more robotic—just endless scrolling through an overwhelming sea of content. Are we here to truly connect, encourage, and “hold space😝” for each other? Or are we all stuck on autopilot?
One big problem—We follow too many people and accounts. Our feeds are drowning in information—an endless grid of posts, a sea of stories, and countless red circles begging to be watched. How can we possibly care about, let alone connect with, that many people?
Some follows feel like obligations. Others are relics of a different season in life, accounts we outgrew but hesitate to unfollow for fear of offending. And then there are those silent watchers—engaged enough to view every story but never to drop a heart or a comment.
As someone who’s energetically sensitive and values real connection, I’m starting to realize how much these dynamics weigh on me. So, I’m choosing to declutter—energetically and digitally. To clear out the noise.
As I head into the new year, I’m intentionally thinking about where I place my energy and attention. Social media is an extension of our energetic field, and I want my online space to fill me up rather than deplete me.
Here’s the vibe I’m leaning into: I want to follow accounts that inspire me, make me laugh, teach me something, entertain me, or spark joy and inspiration. For the people I know IRL, I want mutual support and encouragement in my online space—a genuine exchange of energy. Otherwise, what’s the point?