The Last Will be First.
Feels so right to have the first bookstore we’re in, be the one and only
Over 15 years ago, my friend and owner of the best bookstores in Los Angeles, Josh Spencer closed down the bookstore, and let us set the table for a really special night. Young, eager, and swinging for the fences.
Chef brought the fire, I played the jester with liquid nitrogen (so 2008), but mostly we sat sizzling in the juice of the memories that get made when the craft is in service to connection.
If someone would’ve come up to me and said, “some day Steve, you’ll have a book on these shelves” I would’ve thought they drank too much of Curt’s wine.
What a dance we’re in. We can try to lead it, but we just end up stepping on Life’s toes. It usually takes some tripping and falling down before we reach out our hand, and from the floor of our lives, surrender and say: “okay, you can lead.” She’s really good at leading.
This full circle that Life took me on feels really good. Here’s to you finding joy in the dance.