Today on our Tuesday Tips, Heather from @thewestsidecollective and I talk about our Mindful Marketing Bundle; an offering of key marketing services packaged in a simple and affordable way to help small businesses grow. We believe getting a third party analysis of your current strategy could prove to be invaluable and the best part is the Bundle is customizable to meet your needs and budget. Head over to the link in the @thewestsidecollective bio to learn more and register.
#marketingtips #mindfulmarketing #marketing #marketingagency #interviewseries #supportsmallbusiness #womanowned #businesstips #publicrelations #socialmediaexpert #brandstory #branding
What are marketing and event planning agencies doing during Covid-19? Listen in to our conversation with Jessica Cure from @curedesigns, a brand strategy and holistic marketing & events agency. Jessica is a visionary and believes we should take a step back before we take steps forward – and she shares her thoughts on events as we know them.
@thewestsidecollective @slevine66 @curedesigns
#mindfulmarketing #marketingtips #marketingagency #marketing #marketingagency #agency #agencylife #smallbusiness #womanowned #businesstips #inspiration #womenempowerment #interviewseries #supportsmallbusiness
Today on Mindful Marketing’s Tuesday’s Tips, Heather from the @westsidecollective and I talk with Eileen O’Dea of The Wooden Palate, an LA-based sustainable wood-working business. They have been one of the lucky businesses that have been able to remain open and running during Covid-19 - so wanting to give-back, they pivoted their manufacturing and several staff to producing and donating high-end face shields for front line workers around the country. The response was so overwhelming that they’ve since made thousands. Hear her inspiring story here.
#mindfulmarketing #themindfulmarketers #tuesdaytips #interviewseries #womanownedbusiness #smallbusiness #inspiringbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #marketing
Today on our Tuesday tips Heather from @thewestsidecollective and I discuss out-of-the- box ideas for creating content during the stay at home order. We love seeing how people and brands are getting creative!
#marketing #marketingtips #marketingagency #mindfulmarketing #agency #content #socialmedia #socialmediacontent #creatingcontent #creativecontent #stayhome #contentcreator #themindfulmarketers
Heather and I from @thewestsidecollective talk more about brands adapting to new ways of doing business in this new world.
#mindfulmarketing #marketing #marketingtips #agency #agencylife #adaptingbusiness #marketingagency #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips #supportsmallbusiness
Part One: Heather from @thewestsidecollective and I are pivoting our conversations to cover topics that are top of mind for all of us these days. We’d love to hear your thoughts and how you’re getting creative with your business!
Today on our Tuesday tips Heather of @thewestsidecollective and I chat about the do’s and do not’s of marketing yourself or your brand in the time of coronavirus and times of crisis. Listen to find out our thoughts on several subjects surrounding this topic and chime in! Would love to hear your thoughts.
#marketing #marketingtips #marketingstrategy #marketingagency #agencylife #mindfulness #mindfulmarketing #inspire #support
In a time when everything is uncertain and people are working from home (and also may be losing jobs), a conversation around company culture has pivoted to a virtual culture, at least for the time being. Today on our Tuesday tips, Heather of @thewestsidecollective and I had special guest @jessiemaywolfe of @heartrisemovement speak about how we can come together in a heart centered way as a virtual community, whether it be as individuals or as a team.
@heartrisemovement invites you to join their daily transmissions at 12pm on IGTV for a grounding meditation, community connect and dance party to get you anchored and moving together daily or join the Facebook group HeartRise Tribe Community. For additional meditation downloads, more workshops and to contact Jessie May go to
#heartrisemovement #tuesdaytips #mindfulmarketing #themindfulmarketers #companyculture #virtualculture #virtualcommunity #groundingmeditation #communityconnect #togetherwerise #connectionisourgreatestcurrency
In a time when everything is uncertain and people are working from home (and also may be losing jobs), a conversation around company culture has pivoted to a virtual culture, at least for the time being. Today on our Tuesday tips we had special guest @jessiemaywolfe of @heartrisemovement speak about how we can come together in a heart centered way as a virtual community, whether it be as individuals or as a team.
@heartrisemovement invites you to join their daily transmissions at 12pm on IGTV for a grounding meditation, community connect and dance party to get you anchored and moving together daily or join the Facebook group HeartRise Tribe Community. For additional meditation downloads, more workshops and to contact Jessie May go to
#heartrisemovement #tuesdaytips #mindfulmarketing #themindfulmarketers #companyculture #virtualculture #virtualcommunity #groundingmeditation #communityconnect #togetherwerise #connectionisourgreatestcurrency
Do you create content? You won’t want to miss this episode on the importance of getting it right. My talk with Heather of @thewestsidecollective will help you get it right.✌🏼And let us know if you need more help, we’re here for you.
#mindfulmarketing #mindfulmarketingtips #marketingstrategy #marketingtips #marketingagency #marketing #contentcreator #content #contentmarketing #agencylife
Today for Tuesday Tips I talk advertising with Heather from @thewestsidecollective and special guest and advertising expert, Peter Fisher✌🏼
#mindfulmarketing #marketingtips #marketing #marketingstrategy #advertising #advertisingtips #agency #marketingagency #pr #agencylife
Experiential marketing talk with Heather from @thewestsidecollective on today’s Tuesdays Tips.
#experientialmarketing #marketing #marketingstrategy #marketingagency #marketingtips #agencylife #agency #marketingideas #mindfulmarketers #tuesdaytips