Did you know that we aren’t a wedding venue? We are a 36-acre garden that loves hosting all types of events.
So what is happening in the Nestldown Garden?! ❔
After a winter of letting the garden beds rest, our Horticulture Team is hard at work planting and tending to the spring blooms! Here are some of the plants and flowers we expect to see anytime between now and the end of May! 🌷
Christmas Roses (March)
Camellias (March/April)
Hellebore (March)
Primrose (March)
Magnolia Tree (March)
10,000 Tulips (April)
9,000 Bulbs (April)
Cherry Blossom Trees (April)
Angel Trumpet Trees (April)
Flowering Wisteria (April/May)
Daffodils (through April)
Rhododendron (May)
Hydrangeas (Starting in May)
Geraniums (May)
Azaleas (May)
Just to name a few ☺️ now the real question is which one makes you most excited for Spring?! 💜