Fremont Theatre crushing it this weekend with great back to back sold out shows! Iron & Wine last night, then Charities/Sinseers/Altons tonight. #fremonttheaterslo #ironandwine #thecharities #thealtons
Holy smokes! Alfredo Rodriguez burned the place down last night at the Performing Arts Center/Spanos Theatre! This trio absolutely shredded. Check them if you ever get the chance… Thanks to Cal Poly Arts for bringing the show!
#calpolyarts #alfredorodriguez
Happy New Year! Grateful to spend the evening with family & friends at SLO Brew for their BIG NYE Carnival.
Big thanks to Ryan Orr & his team for throwing one hell of a party, and all the local talent filling the multiple stages!
What are YOU doing for New Year’s Eve??? SLO Brew is going large! #slobrewrock @slobrew @slobrewlive
Hot show last night at the Clark Center with the Pacific Mambo Orchestra!
Wow! What a fun day! Thanks to all who came out (especially in costume!) to Sea Pines yesterday to close out the concert season with Zongo All-Stars! Great times!
Full house for hometown hero @dashamusic tonight at @slobrew!
The Cult! Live at Vina Robles Amphitheatre!
Alex Lucero Band coming down to Avila from Santa Cruz & right back up to SF to watch a plane ✈️ for their East Coast tour, then on to Ireland… making moves! Summer concerts at Point San Luis Lighthouse!!
Tunes at Tidelands!
Sound Investment playing on Morro Bay’s waterfront. Nice!
Mac & Cheese Fest with the Cheeseballs!
BOATZART 2024! Thank you to all who came out to celebrate music & community in Baywood today! Festival Mozaic brought a stunning brass quintet with top players from Atlanta, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Long Beach. Check out some of the rest of Festival Mozaic while you can!