Funny thing... when I was growing up in an evangelical church, the rainbow was a "Christian" symbol, meant to remind us of God's promise to never destroy the earth like he did with the great flood.
Fast forward 2000 years, and the gay community has adopted the rainbow - on a flag in particular - as their symbol. (I am not gay and have not researched its history, but) I love that - to me - it represents the infinite variety that exists in all of us. God may have created them "male and female," but just as evolution fills out our understanding of the development of the human species (because the Bible was never intended to be read like a scientific manual!), we now have a better understanding of the diversity of genders and expressions. And throughout history, men have loved men and women have loved women, and while it may make you uncomfortable, that does not give you the right to discriminate against others.
I believe in the inherent dignity of every human being. And in their right to BE who they are, and LOVE who they love. In my personal and professional life, I will always fight to defend the rights of my L G B T Q I A + friends and family. I AM A PROUD ALLY.
(and I also love the irony of the rainbow being co-opted by a group that conservative Christians oppose!)