The Kentucky Reggae Festival continues to be the predominant event in the Louisville area on Memorial Day weekend. It is the first event of the Water Tower Music Series and is designed to bring a real Caribbean atmosphere to Louisville’s backyard, incorporating Jamaican culture and the flavor of the islands through music, ethnic food and the Caribbean Market. The Jamaican Association of Louisville
, along with other vendors, provides flavorful fare of Jamaica and the Caribbean—from spicy meat dishes to grilled chicken. Vendors from all over the United States reserve booth space in the Caribbean Market, which has grown each year since 2003. The experienced treasure seeker and the casual collector will find everything under the island sun including arts, crafts, jewelry, beads and more. The market has become a popular attraction for vendors and buyers alike, and continues to be a strong drawing element of the weekend. All Kentucky Reggae Festival activities are surrounded by the contagious and soul-satisfying rhythms of live, authentic reggae music.