This past year and a half has been an awakening — a stage in my life of deconstructing everything I’ve ever known, and then turning around to slowly rebuild with new materials I truly want my life to consist of. I’ve put my beliefs and ideas under a microscope and gave myself permission to pick them apart, question their origins and intentions, ask where they came from and what their motives were. I gave myself permission to ask why I think the way I do and throw out the parts that are no longer in service of my fullest potential.
This year I’ve come to know the deepest and purest love, along with its challenges and difficulties, but fulfilling all the same. If you had told my younger self that I would know the love and joy I know today I don’t think I would’ve believed you. I’m grateful. Truly and deeply grateful that this life is mine.
I stumbled across this quote and I found it to ring so true that it gently shook me awake: “and they keep asking me where happiness can be found, but I’m no longer trying to find happiness. I just appreciate where I am and then happiness finds me.”