She is Amazing
Putting the U in LUFKIN ISD: You - the students, staff, parents, community partners, and foundation sponsors are what makes Lufkin ISD who we are! We want to highlight you, and your journey through all of the programs and pathways LISD has to offer.
Today we're getting started with Za'Riyah Albro, Class of 2025 Senior. As a 7th-year choir member, she is representing the Lufkin ISD Choir Program and the opportunities that come with being a part of this fine arts group.
Students at Lufkin ISD who love to sing can begin their choir journey at the elementary schools by participating in their campus choir programs or auditioning to be a part of the district-wide Elementary Honor Choir. Programs continue and are available to older students at Lufkin Middle and Lufkin High Schools as well.
The Lufkin High School Choir program offers a space for all students, no matter their musical background or experience level. “We offer three separate choirs for students from the beginning stages of musicianship to our most advanced ensemble, Kantori,” according to Choir Director and Fine Arts Department Head, Mrs. Nicole Stewart. Students involved in the choir program have opportunities for competing, including the TMEA All-State Choir process, UIL Solo and Ensemble, and UIL Concert and Sight reading. Additionally, the choir has gotten to perform with SFA, the Stone Fort Chorale and Angelina College.
Stewart went on to add, “Our choirs consistently earn superior ratings and students gain valuable life skills through studying music and working with a group ensemble. Lufkin Choirs include members of the All-State choir, UIL Outstanding performers, students who have received scholarships for pursuing a secondary music degree at Stephen F. Austin, and students who receive non-major scholarships through the Tyler Junior College, and Angelina College.” Last year, the Lufkin High School choirs received the first Texoma NATS (National Association of Teachers of Singing) Fellowship for Senior Claudia Salazar who plans to study music after high school. This was one of only 3 fellowships given for the entire Texas/Oklahoma Region. Over the past 3 years, the choirs have also competed at the American Classic Music festivals in Galveston and Dallas and have received Superior ratings and Outstanding performance awards.
Beyond the music, Lufkin Choir members are also Texas Music Scholars, a designation given to students who maintain an overall "A" average while participating in the school music programs. Members are also active in our community and on the LHS campus, participating in the Lufkin Panther Band, Theatre program, Art Club, TAFE, Cheer, advanced academics, and other organizations on campus.
Students in choir enjoy making music as a team, having fun in and outside of class, and gain valuable friendships that last a lifetime. Panther Choir alumni include elementary music teachers, musical theatre performers, theatre teachers, communication majors, graphic designers, sound recording engineers, and much more. Mrs. Stewart offers, “While our choir program focuses on music during their time here at LHS, the skills learned through music carry on into any future career that students have an interest in.”
If you or your student are interested in learning more about the choir programs available at Lufkin ISD, Mrs. Stewart may be reached by email at [email protected].