A Family Affair
The Forsberg Family built Lionscrest Manor in 1993 after attending a family member’s wedding on the East Coast. With a house full of teenage girls, Bob and Leona thought about the future. They envisioned a home where their daughters’ childhood dreams could come true; a home where they could live, work, play and entertain family and friends in the town their families have lived in for five-generations. Then they asked themselves: What fun would Lionscrest be if they could not share it with other families. So with love, hope and dreams, Lionscrest was born.
Now fast forward 25 years later and the family is still going strong. More often than not, you will be treated to a family member (or two) when you say your “I Do’s.” From Great-Grandma down to grand-babies the story continues on. This is the Forsbergs’ story, and they hope that it can become part of yours as well.
Photo by Emily Forsberg Photography