Doing crafty things has always made me feel calm. There is a feeling of relaxation that falls over me like a cozy blanket.
This one was relatively quick to do and adds a bit of whimsy to our doorway.
Share your crafty projects in the comments.
#flowerfarmer #lyonsny #soduspointny #waynecounty #cutflowerfarmer #gardenjournal #localbusiness #dahlia #crafts
Get Ready for Spring 2025 with Our Dahlia Tubers!
Our presale purchases are now open! Grab the chance to buy our quality dahlia tubers for delivery in Spring 2025. Our tubers are carefully cultivated and handpicked to ensure that you'll enjoy long-lasting blooms. Our varieties come in a wide range of colors and sizes that will surely suit your garden's needs. Don't miss out on the chance to add these beauties to your collection!
#DahliaTubers #Spring2025 #GardeningTips #PresalePurchases #BloomingBeautiful
#flowerfarmer #Spring #dahliaaddict
The season is drawing to an end. We are fortunate to have avoided the last few frosty nights. Our dahlias are still producing some delicious blooms to share with you.
#flowerfarmer #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #localbusiness #dahlia #bouquets @everyone
#flowerfarmer #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #localbusiness #dahlia #bouquets #dahliatubers #newdahliavarieties
Come see us at the sodus Harvest festival!
We are right in front of Colie's Corner, 15 W Main St Sodus.
Come make your own bouquets 💐
#flowerfarmer #localbusiness #soduspointny #sodusny #waynecounty #localbusiness #dahlia #bouquets #bouquetbar #harvestfestival
#sodusharvestfestival #coliescorner #dahlia
Just a quick pass by the Dahlia field.
#flowerfarmer #localbusiness #soduspointny #sodusny #lyonsny #gardenjournal #cutflowerfarmer #waynecounty #dahlia #bouquets
They go fast. Come get yours before they are gone!
#flowerfarmer #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #localbusiness #dahlia #bouquets #florist
#flowerfarmer #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #dahlia #localbusiness #bouquets
#flowerfarmer #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #dahlia #localbusiness #bouquets #farmfreshbouquet
#flowerfarmer #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #dahlia #localbusiness #bouquets #bouquet
Share some of your favorite Dahlia pics below!
#flowerfarmer #cutflowerfarmer #lyonsny #gardenjournal #sodusny #soduspointny #waynecounty #dahlia #localbusiness #bouquets #bouquetbar #dahliaaddict #fireflyfloralanddesign