Hello everyone, I bet during the corona pandemic, a lot of you have just returned to the kitchen to enjoy some of your own home cooking again. I also believe, five months later, many of you are tired of doing the cooking and are looking for a little help. Well guess what? It’s here! The first ever Blowin’ Smoke BBQ “Mobile Meat Market”. Here’s how it works:
Everything will be sold by the pound. You can get small orders up to 2 pounds served hot or cold but anything over 2 pounds must be picked up cold and reheated. If you don’t feel like eating it right away anything you get will be perfectly tasty for up to one week, (I do not recommend freezing for quality purposes). We will also be offering some of our delicious sides and desserts by the pound so you can have a complete meal.
We are going to try this on a three month trial basis. I will be going to 780 Phillips Blvd (Meyer Oak Grove Park) every other Tuesday from 4-7pm beginning Jan 5th 2021. 4630 Dalmore Rd Deforest ( Fleet Farm parking lot) every other Thursday from 4-7pm beginning January 7th 2021. If you all like the way things are going we can extend the trial, or even add more days and locations.
Here is all you have to do:
Go to the website https://Blowin-smoke-bbq-store.square.site
Gaze at the pictures of delicious barbecue
Decide what you would like
Look at the recommended portions per person chart
Place order
Pay with card
And, of course, all meat orders will come with plenty of your favorite barbecue sauces and heating instructions.
The barbecue process takes a couple days to prepare, and all the sides are made from scratch, so orders for a Tuesday pick-up will have to be in by the prior Monday and orders for Thursday would have to be in by Tuesday.
****As of right now when you are on the store website, and choosing your pickup location, there will be a date in red. That date automatically updates every week, but the pickup dates are every other week, so be sure to use the dates I listed in the info section of the webpage. They will be fixing this soon.
Thank you for supporting your local small businesses.