NH Mini Events

NH Mini Events NH Mini Events was created to keep people informed of the Mini Cooper rally events that and give a space for people to suggest routes, destinations, etc.

Page for organizing, scheduling and discussing Mini Cooper Rally events in and around New Hampshire. Events will typically be setup monthly during the warmer months. Other events such as dinners and meetups will also be setup.


Sorry for the lack of updates. Unfortunately it has been another crazy busy year. Have had the Mini out of the garage all of twice this year and only for personal stuff.

More importantly, I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Independence Day tomorrow, and that you all have a great day celebrating and having fun. I hope you are all well and hope to carve out some time to put together some drives soon.


After much debate and trying to figure out my calendar for this summer, I have decided that Minis on Top just is not in the cards this year. I have been going for many years and have had so much fun at this event, but sometimes life just gets in the way.

I am trying to clear some time for some rallies this summer and will send out some notification once I have things figured out. Sometimes being a responsible adult just sucks. Hope to see you all sometime this summer.


For the last several years at Minis on Top I have put together a Friday convoy and a private Saturday drive (by invite). I am still deciding whether or not I will attend MOT, but am trying to gauge interest in these two drives should I attend, and the interest here may help make my decision.

The convoy typically leaves a little earlier than most, and is a back roads trip with a lunch stop. The last few years we have gone all the way up into Maine for lunch and then did a nice drive of some of the fun roads in the area. I am considering both keeping the same route and lunch spot or potentially changing it but am so far undecided.

The drive is by invite as I like to keep it small for easier management. Max will be 12 cars. I have done the same route for the last 2 years but planning on changing it up this year as I will be doing a scouting trip in the area a few weeks ahead of MOT. We leave the Loon lot earlier (usually 10-10:15 AM) and it is a pretty full day of driving, sightseeing, and a stop for lunch.

Please let me know if you would be interested in either or both of these drives. I am also open to suggestions if anyone has any. This question is strictly about my drives as they relate to MOT, and not about MOT itself. Unfortunately, Facebook no longer allows more than 2 options on a poll, so please comment your interest in the convoy, the Saturday drive, or both.


Unfortunately, it looks like having a rally this weekend is off. Despite trying multiple places to accommodate us for lunch and contacting people continuously nobody seems to want to commit to anything. It has been a bit frustrating. I will see about finding a date for a rally, but at this point it looks like it could be in July or August considering my calendar. I am still considering setting up some things for MOT and will send something out about that later in the week.


Hoping to know more today and get an event setup. Looking like it will be next Saturday 5/11. Most places were not willing to do anything for Memorial Day weekend. Just waiting on confirmation of our lunch stop.



It has been a busy spring with work travel and life in general. I went into my garage the other day (which my Mini has not left yet this year) and definitely felt the urge to get out and have a little fun.

I am working on a couple of ideas for a rally on some upcoming weekend. I am looking at either May 11 or May 25, but probably the earlier date since the 25th is Memorial Day weekend. More to come soon.

I will also be putting together another convoy to Minis on Top this year, and for those that have come with me on the Saturday drive that I put together I am also working on a new route for that. If anyone is interested in either of these I will have more info toward the end of May.


Hello everyone.

Spring is just around the corner, and hopefully my Mini's hibernation will soon come to an end.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I decided around the holidays to take a break from social media so have been using Facebook minimally since then. It was a bit refreshing, and while I will not be using it extensively I am checking things a little more now.

Rally season is coming up quickly and I have started thinking about some drives to put together. Like last year, unfortunately, my life and calendar will be busy, so monthly rallies are not likely to be a reality, but I am hoping to do more this year than I did last. I am hoping to put some new ones together as well as reviving and revising some old ones.

As for the first one of the year, I typically try to do that right around the start of April. Work travel is going to prevent that this year as I will be gone for the first 2 weekends in April, but I am working on something for late April or early May around the weekends where I already have things planned. I will let you know as soon as I have a more complete plan.

I hope this message finds all of you well, and I look forward to seeing you on my rallies as well as ones from the other groups.


A quick thank you to all who came out on Saturday for the Toys for Tots and the rally. It will be the last rally of the year and most likely until sometime in the spring. I look forward to seeing you all in the new year.


Hi everyone.

I received an email last week from Niky over at Mini of Bedford with the results of the Food Drive.

This year's food drive was the most successful one they have had yet. 459 lbs of food were donated which equals out to about 383 meals. Last year was 361 lbs.

The largest part of those donations came from the people that attended our rally. Mini of Bedford received a nice letter thanking them and asked that I pass this info along to all of you as well.

My sincere thank you to all who attended and were so generous for such a great cause.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope you all have a great holiday and look forward to rallying with you again soon.

Received a nice email from Niky over at Mini of Bedford thanking us for our donations. She said our contribution helped ...

Received a nice email from Niky over at Mini of Bedford thanking us for our donations. She said our contribution helped encourage even more participation in the Canned Food Drive event.

Here are a few pictures that were taken while we were there.

Sincere thanks to all who participated from both me and the folks at the dealership.

I wanted to thank everone for coming out on Saturday. It was great to see/meet everyone and I know I had a great time. T...

I wanted to thank everone for coming out on Saturday. It was great to see/meet everyone and I know I had a great time. Thank you also for the great contributions to the Mini of Bedford Canned Food Drive. We alone almost filled up that car and it was much appreciated.

I figured this would be the last rally of the season, but it looks like I will be putting one together for the Mini of Bedford Toys for Tots. I am working on the dates for that around my calendar and will have some thing out on it soon. Hopefully this time we can avoid snow.

Sorry for the late comments, but I took the rest of the weekend off from Facebook.


Hello everyone.

I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. Between a crazy year with work, life, and more recently some health issues I have not had a chance to do much of anything.

The work part has finally gotten back to a normal level, and while life is still busy I do have some time to start putting something together.

To ease back into things, I am thinking about doing a run that I have done the last 2 years, and really the run that started this whole thing. This would be the loop around Winnipesaukee.

I have reached out to Mini of Bedford this morning to see if they are having their canned food drive again this year as I would love to continue helping out with that if we can. Otherwise the starting location is still up in the air,

I am looking at November 10th as the date for this, but waiting to hear back from Mini before I set the date. It will be either that weekend or the weekend after.

I hope all of you are well and I look forward to motoring with you soon.


Hello everyone. Been a while since I sent out an update so figured I had a few minutes during lunch today and would send one out.

Unfortunately, things have not changed much. Between being extremely busy at work, traveling, other events, and life in general, finding time to plan out events continues to elude me. Every time I start to plan something another interruption comes out of the woodwork.

I am trying to get something together for the August/September timeframe. Luckily there is a light at the end of the tunnel on work interference (hopefully) so that I can get some stuff planned, just need to let things play out there.

That said, I hope you are all having a great summer and getting to some rallies with the other organizers in the area, and I hope to see you soon.


Hi everyone.

Wanted to send a quick note letting you all know that while this year has been a bit quiet on the rally side, I am planning on trying to keep this thing going.

Between work, travel, and other events my schedule this year has been a bit crazy. I actually do not have a weekend where I will be at home until August.

I am hoping that I will be able to put something together for either early or late August. Due to the time constraints it will likely be a re-hash of a drive from last year but not sure yet. Suggestions are also welcome.

Thank you all for being patient with me, and I look forward to rallying with you all soon.


Awesome weekend with old friends and new ones up at Minis on Top. A special thank you to all who came on either my Friday or Saturday drive. Both were a lot of fun.


Hello everyone.

Sorry once again for the lack of updates. I looked at the calendar this morning and was shocked that we are already almost 10 days through May. Things have been so busy I have not had time to do much.

While I am still considering something small for May, I did want to let you all know that I do plan on doing a rally up to Minis on Top for those of you going. It will likely be similar to the one from last year, though I will definitely be avoiding as much mud sledding as possible, and after last year will switch the second half to avoid the Hurricane Mt Road.

I am thinking Ebenezer's again for lunch unless anyone has other ideas. Thought we could again make a meeting place for any people from Maine who may want to join us.

I hope to have things mapped out later this week and will let you all know. If anyone has any thoughts or ideas, I am happy to hear them.



Thank you to all who came out this weekend for the rally. It was great to see all of you and I hope to see you again soon.

This year is proving difficult for planning these so please bear with me. I am hoping to have one in May and will let you know once I have something put together.


Working on the first run of the season. Few things to finalize and it will be posted. Hopefully in the next few days.

April 14th.

More to come soon.


Hello everyone,

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been taking a bit of a hiatus from Facebook with the winter season, craziness at work, and craziness in the world. But the rally season is fast approaching.

It looks to be a very busy year for me both at work and with life in general. That said I do have every intention of trying to keep things going with this site and the events.

This will likely mean a lot of repeat events from last year this time around with minor tweaks. I will try to come up with some new stuff as well, but with things being so crazy that may be difficult. I had a lot of fun last year and I hope you all did as well, so hopefully doing some of the same runs will not be an issue. I am hoping that later in the year things may actually calm down a little so I can try to get a little more creative, but we will see what happens.

Nothing to report yet on upcoming events, but I am starting to plan something for later in March or early April. Hopefully it will not be like last spring and snow us out.

Hope all of you are well, and I look forward to motoring with you all soon!


Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Saturnalia, or whatever holiday you may celebrate or even if it is just a day off. Thank you to everyone for making this past year so much fun for me. I look forward to starting things up again once the weather turns nice again.


Thank you to all who came out for the Toys for Tots event at Mini of Bedford and to those who came along on the abbreviated drive afterward. Had a great time as usual.

Special thanks to everyone from Mini of Bedford for putting together the event and everything that you do. I look forward to working with you guys more next year on some new events.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hope you all have a great day.


Fun day with great people yesterday. Thank you to all who came out and had some fun. Thank you as well to Mini of Bedford for letting us start there and offering us breakfast, a nice discount, and a chance to test drive the Dinan tuned car.

To make it even better, Mini of Bedford gave us the opportunity to give back by having a canned food drive.

Hopefully that will not be the last of the runs for this year. I will be in touch soon!


OK, the date is locked in for the next drive, which will be a trip around Lake Winnipesaukee like I put together last year before this page existed. We will once again be starting from Mini of Bedford and helping them out with the Canned Food Drive. Coffee and Pastry will be provided.

The date for this will be Saturday November 11th. I know this date coincides with the Minis of Boston Italian Job event, but this is the only date that works with the canned food drive as they are turning things in the following week and neither of us could do the event on Sunday. More events just allow for more options though, so hopefully good turnouts for both.

I will be finishing up the details and get the registration up and ready at some point today or tomorrow.


Thank you to all who came out for the drive yesterday. While I did seem to find some of the slowest drivers on the planet to get behind, and of course the obligatory dirt road, I still had a great time. The perfect weather and beautiful views certainly didn’t hurt. It was so good to see all of you and I hope we can all do this again soon. Planning for my November event is almost complete and I should be posting it soon!


OK, slight change of plans....

There will still be a drive for Saturday October 21st, but I am changing the actual event a bit. The loop around Winnipesaukee will actually be waiting until November and will coincide with the Mini of Bedford canned food drive much like it did last year. More details on that to come.

For the October 21st event I am looking at a different northern loop that will start and end in Concord.

I will have all of the details worked out for this drive later this week and will get the registration up then as well.

Thank you.


So I have a date and almost everything set for the October event. I am revisiting the event that started all of this last November before NH Mini Events even existed, a loop around Lake Winnipesaukee. I am still working out some drive details (removing the dirt road) and a few other things, but once those are all worked out I will post the event.

Date will be Saturday October 21st.

I will likely also do a November event, but will depend as I have some personal and work travel along with the holiday. Will try to keep going until the weather gets bad.

Event will be posted soon, as will some other news.



Hello everyone.

Sorry for the lack of updates and information, but as I had mentioned before things are a bit busy for us at the moment and we have not been able to do an event for September.

I do have an event planned for October and am just looking for the right date now as I have some work travel coming up. I am hoping to have all of that cleared up and scheduled in the next few days so you will likely see the October event sometime over the next couple of weeks.

Hope this not finds all of you well and I look forward to motoring with you soon.


Saturday was a great time for Beth and I with our Mini friends. A few good roads, good food, good ice cream, good beer. Most importantly great people.

I will be taking a bit of a hiatus from the rally planning for the month of September for family reasons and because it looks to be an incredibly busy month otherwise.

I will be back in October for another event which I am hoping to plan out soon but the date is still an open question as I have some work travel things that are still in flux.

Thank you for a great summer, and I look forward to seeing you all in the fall.


I apologize for the lack of communication the last few weeks, but work and life have intervened and I have not had any time to do anything lately.

It is a busy month for me and for all of the other groups doing events. I have had no time to plan anything but I would love to get some ideas for maybe doing something on the 19th or 20th of August. A good destination for lunch somewhere, maybe a brewery or something, a place to get some ice cream.

If anyone has any suggestions, I can find a way to get us there and get whatever we need.

Would really like to do something if we can. September I will not have an event due to other plans and family commitments, so would love to get one more in beforehand.

Let me know if you have any ideas and I will see what I can do.



August 5th is the Monadnock Blueberries event and my intention was to have a group breakfast for anyone interested before the event at Parkers Maple Barn in Mason, NH, then a drive over.

Parkers will not setup a group reservation.

Because of that, I am putting together something a bit more informal. Still plan on having breakfast there and others can certainly come along and join us. I will put out an event later today or tomorrow for this.


Just want to wish a Happy Independence Day to all of you from all of us (ok, it is just me) from NH Mini Events. Have a great and safe holiday. Hope to see you all soon!


Posting the July event shortly, but wanted to also post some updates and news for some things that I am changing and some things that will be upcoming.

Online registration is now going to require an email address when filling out the Google form. The main reason for this is communication about each event as it allows me to send a confirmation email when you register along with all of the links and information you may need. I will not be compiling any lists of email addresses or anything like that, and you will never receive anything unsolicited from NH Mini Events.

Upcoming Events:
Still coming up with ideas for the future events. Ideas are always welcome and please feel free to pass them my way. I am hoping to continue through November with events and possibly into December weather permitting.

I am putting together a quick survey that I am hoping many of you will fill out. I am looking to gather some information regarding events so that I can try to put things together that people want to attend and will enjoy. Most of my events will be similar to what we have done in the past, a good day of fun and twisty roads with breaks and usually a lunch stop and sometimes an adult beverage stop at the end. I also want some feedback though as to what else we may be able to do including multi-day events and other fun activities.

Possible Change:
I am also considering changing away from NH Mini Events being a page and changing it to a Closed Group. While the page does give me some interesting feedback, it is more geared toward businesses. I have not made a decision on this as of yet, and will likely include it in the survey. All I can see from my end is certain metrics, so I do not really know how it is working for all of you.

Look forward to seeing you all soon.


OK, so now looking at Sunday July 16th so as not to impose on other events from that weekend. July is busy for us, so this is the only day we can do it.

I am looking at putting together a decent length morning drive, then followed by lunch in Newbury, NH at Salt Hill Shanty probably around 1PM. People can of course just show for the lunch if you do not want to do the drive (which I am still working on). If anyone has thoughts or ideas, please share.


Manchester, NH



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