I know I have been incredibly quiet on my socials lately, but please allow me to share something that has been on my mind:
A butterfly's emergence from her chrysalis is a grueling but critical part of her transformation. The final escape from the butterfly’s cocoon is also the most difficult part of the transformation. To do so, she encounters a struggle to free her body with her brand new wings from a place of darkness. The struggle can be so intense that the butterfly may seem hurt or near death.
But to be freed, she needs to do it by herself.. finding the strength in her wings to open the cocoon... to break free. Without the struggle, the emerging new butterfly lacks the strength to fly and embark on her new journey in the world. Without this self-sustaining strength, she will perish all too quickly.
Many have described that watching a butterfly emerge from chrysalis is painful, and they want to help. However, all we can do is watch, encourage, and be patient as we witness the strengthening of wings... and of hearts.
This season has been one of tremendous growth, challenges, adapting, and preparing... professionally, but also personally. I have strength in me that I wasn't aware of until the past six months have come and gone. I can't help but feel like I'm at another crossroads of doing what is comfortable versus true growth. Painful, challenging growth (but in the best way). I mean, life is challenging. Don't get me wrong... but I'm finally at a point where I refuse to settle and accept limitations. I refuse to let anyone make me feel small again.
✨️ I accept that while I am not perfect, I can still try my best, and that is absolutely enough.
✨️ I accept that despite my mistakes and past, I'm still deserving and worthy of love and respect.
✨️ I accept what I can control with gratitude and what I can not with patience.
✨️ I accept new experiences, friendships, challenges, opportunities, and joy.
I'm ready to fly and see what these wings can do. I mean, until I try, I'll never know, right? 😉 So... who's coming with me?