On Give to the Max Day we take on one of the biggest misunderstandings of homelessness out there in our “Unhoused not Unworthy” series. Today we examine “Unhoused Not Unlike You.” Likely in your life you have met people who have struggled with addictions, who have experienced abuse, who have mental illness, who struggle with debt and financial stability. Perhaps you have even experienced one or more of these experiences in your life yourself. Everyone in life experiences crises in their lives, but not everyone ends up unhoused.
In general, the only difference that I have seen between the people we serve at Connections and everyone else is what safety nets are available to people when a crisis arises. Do you have access to healthcare and insurance to manage your mental health? Do you have means to overcome and ride out a job loss? Do you have support to escape domestic violence?
People who experience homelessness are only different because when they experience a crisis, they don’t have a safety net to fall back on. The experiences that cause them to be unhoused are the same ones that you or I may encounter, but because of the cycles of poverty they are unable to overcome them.
Knowing that the unhoused are like you and I, is an important realization for serving the unhoused. It is critical not to “other” people experiencing homelessness but start from a place of dignity and respect for all people. That is a core value at Connections, to treat all people, regardless of their circumstances as deserving of care, respect, and hospitality.
Your gift to Connections on Give to the Max Day allows us to help be that safety net for our unhoused community, helping people move forward from crisis to stability. If you have had the privilege of support in your lives’ challenges, consider a gift today. Together we make it possible to support, stabilize and shelter our unhoused community.
Please consider a donation today: https://www.givemn.org/story/496awf