Are you searching for a mom friend whose company you enjoy and are actually compatible with? Tired of “beating around the sandbox” about it and need an efficient and convenient way to do so? If so, Moms Matched is where she’s at! Moms Matched presents Speed Dating for Mom Friends for the Greater Austin Area! We're here to help you meet your future forever mom friend. Most moms have not experienced
speed dating before, but there are tons of moms who are looking for strong connections with other mom friends :) Someone who might go through this time's adventure alongside you and your family; a friend to grow old with. What is Speed Dating for Mom Friends like? You can expect that we will have a very quick group ice breaker to laugh and ease our nerves a bit and then jump into dating! Does it get awkward? Sure, just like any other time you're putting yourself out there to meet someone. The beauty of speed dating, however, is that you know every mom is there for the same reason as you. No need for awkward smiles across the park or to think of a way to approach someone or wonder if they're looking for a friend too because we've got that covered. Perhaps you are working outside of home on top of caring for your family, don't have much spare time and efficiency and convenience are a MUST to meet people. In speed dating, the only thing you have to do is be yourself and have a good time with other moms to see if they're a match. At the end, everyone turns in their picks, and if your picks pick you, we will email you guys each other's contact info so your first official play date can be set up. Let us know what you think; we want to hear from our fellow moms!