Dream Acre Flower Farm

Dream Acre Flower Farm Full-time cut flower farm in Manti, Utah. Wholesale, DIY Weddings, Subscriptions, Custom Orders

Due to popular request, we have decided to do one last (for real!) u-pick for the 2024 season! Our fall harvest u-pick w...

Due to popular request, we have decided to do one last (for real!) u-pick for the 2024 season! Our fall harvest u-pick will be Friday, Sept. 13th at 6:30 p.m., and it will follow the same guidelines as before:

1 - Tickets are $50 and include a demo by yours truly at the beginning of the u-pick and any 25 stems you choose to cut from our flower field (including dahlias, which are going BONKERS right now!). You can add on an additional two people to each full-price ticket for just $10 each, although that only includes admission to the field and no additional flowers. If you have more than 3 in your party, you must add on another full-price ticket. Tickets will be capped at 20 people since parking is extremely limited.

2 - As before, no children under the age of 8 will be allowed. Please plan accordingly!

3 - Participants will need to show up promptly to our house (146 W 400 N in Manti) at 6:30 p.m. sharp, and then all vehicles will follow mine over to our flower field, which is about five minutes away. We will lend you snips for cutting, and we'll also provide buckets for you to take your stems home in (we will need the snips back, but you can keep the buckets). You are free to linger for as long as you want among the flowers and take pictures until dark!

We're excited to join you for another magical night of flowers and fun! You can click the link below to purchase your ticket today. Drop a comment below if you have any questions, and go ahead and tag any friends who you think might be interested!


We've been selling flowers for four seasons now, and in that time, I've learned a LOT about the power of color. I've lea...

We've been selling flowers for four seasons now, and in that time, I've learned a LOT about the power of color. I've learned that when you pair most colors with white, it instantly softens the overall look and makes it seem less intense. I've learned that if you have things that are too matchy-matchy, it looks pretty flat, and the best way to liven it up is with subtle hints of yellow and darker pops of a darker color like burgundy or deep orange.

And of course seasonally, we're naturally drawn to certain color palettes over others. Pastels and yellows in the spring. Bright colors in summer, with lots of green. Dark reds and oranges in the fall.

If you're planning out your garden or even just a flower arrangement, the most useful place to start is probably with color. How do you want the flowers to make you FEEL?

If you're looking for serenity and calm, go for lavender, blue, white, soft pink.

If you're looking for energy, go for yellow, peach, white, with pops of red or orange.

If you're looking for bold, go with bright fuchsia, dramatic burgundy, and hot orange, with pops of lime green and yellow for effect.

For me, the colors I can never seem to grow enough of are blue, peach, and pink. They're the most requested it seems of all the colors, and they're the ones I myself am most naturally drawn to.

If you were to plan out your ideal garden, what colors would you favor?

P. S. If you like this kind of post, you would almost certainly like the free email newsletter I send out every Sunday. It's filled with behind the scenes looks at the flower farm, plenty of pictures, tips and tricks on gardening and cut flower growing/arranging, and what I'm learning about life and business. If you want me to get you on the list for that, just comment NEWSLETTER below, and I'll get you signed up!

"So much of life consists of dusty, normal days often punctuated by sickness (that no doctor can diagnose), thorny relat...

"So much of life consists of dusty, normal days often punctuated by sickness (that no doctor can diagnose), thorny relationships (especially those involving family), general struggle (flat tires, money, irritation), and loneliness. I am keenly aware that my love of beauty is equaled by my total inability to force my life to be beautiful. The world and I myself are profoundly broken...

"And yet, despite the grief of life in the broken places, my heart still catches glimmers of what life was meant to be, echoes from the shattered gladness of original Creation. The remnants of Eden reach out to me in the very stuff of the everyday, slivered shards of ideal beauty glittering through the daily muck...

"The beauty I make is the way I picture and offer my ultimate hope right smack in the middle of messy, ordinary days...It means to fight tooth and nail, day by day, to keep alive my faith in a love that transforms the ordinary." - Sarah Clarkson, The Life-Giving Home

Here we are, at another Monday, another week.

We can go into it with wailing and gnashing of teeth, with general irritability at our persistent busy-ness and tired-ness and crankiness.

Or we can light some candles while we make dinner tonight. Put some fresh flowers on the table. Listen to beautiful music on low in the background. Put a little extra care into cooking or baking something beautiful. Enjoy the smell of fresh laundry. Give a child a tight hug. Read a few pages of a lovely book or magazine.

The power is yours on what kind of Monday you make it, friends.

P. S. Pictured here is a custom order we did over the weekend for an anniversary. Featured are dahlias, cosmos, sweet peas, and zinnias, with some stems of stock and apple of Peru thrown in, too. If you're looking for something special to gift someone--or yourself!--we offer custom arrangements starting at just $25. Simply give me your budget, color preferences, and the occasion, and let me make up something gorgeous to help transform an ordinary day into an extraordinary one 🥰

"Convenience culture seduces us into imagining that we might find room for everything important by eliminating only life...

"Convenience culture seduces us into imagining that we might find room for everything important by eliminating only life's tedious tasks. But it's a lie. You have to choose a few things, sacrifice everything else, and deal with the inevitable sense of loss that results." -Oliver Burkeman

As a productivity ju**ie, I love imagining that if I can just perfect all of my systems, I will one day be able to do all the things I want to do. Lately I've been reading Four Thousand Weeks, & it's forcing me to look that idea straight in the eye and see it for what it is--a delusion.

Now that's not to say that having good systems is not helpful, or that they don't save time. But what Burkeman is trying to make us see is that there isn't some future time when we're magically going to have space, energy & time to do all the things we've been putting off. Every day is about making tradeoffs--if we choose to do this thing, we are automatically then choosing NOT to do other things. It's simple logic, really, but how often do we sometimes think that we can find a way around that?

I know I do.

This week, I'm making myself take time for things that have been stressing me out because they keep getting put off by more urgent things, & I'm also making myself take the breaks I keep promising myself. I'm also choosing to let certain things go un-done so that I can consciously choose things that will bring more life, energy & joy into my days.

Because here's the thing--like it or not, our time here is finite. There will likely NEVER come a day when we are 100% caught up on our to-do list, so if we keep putting off the pleasurable things, the self-care, the quality time with loved ones until everything is done, guess what? We'll wake up to find that those opportunities are now gone, having been replaced with one more task, one more chore, one more money-making opportunity.

Just some on this drizzly Tuesday, accompanied by pics of my latest arrangement. P.S. In case you didn't know, I do offer custom arrangements. Simply give me your budget, color preferences, and the occasion, and let me whip up something as unique and special as the person you're gifting it to :)

In case you haven't heard, we're hosting our first-ever community u-pick event this Friday, August 16th at "golden hour"...

In case you haven't heard, we're hosting our first-ever community u-pick event this Friday, August 16th at "golden hour" (from 7-9 p.m.)!

Shown here is just a sliver of what our flower field currently looks like, and we guarantee that the evening will be one you won't soon forget (not to mention that you'll get some of the most amazing pictures of your life!).

We have to cap this event to 20 vehicles due to parking constraints, and so tickets MUST be purchased beforehand. Tickets cost $50 and include admission to the field, a short demo on proper harvest technique and tips on how to cut a blend of flowers and stems that will look amazing together, and then whichever 25 blooms you want to cut from our fields. For each full-price ticket, two additional plus-ones can be purchased for just $10 each, as long as all within the party are sharing one bucket (of 25 flowers).

PLEASE NOTE: No children under age 8 are allowed at this event, as these are the fields we use professionally in our business to cut for weddings, florists, etc.

This might be the only time we ever open our field to the public, so if you want to experience the magic that is a specialty cut flower field in peak production at sunset, now is your chance!

Tickets may be purchased through our website (linked below), or if you prefer to pay with Venmo or cash, you can send me a message, and I can get you on the official list.


Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you Friday!

Always dreamed of frolicking in a flower field at sunset? You're in luck! We've been asked for years to open our field t...

Always dreamed of frolicking in a flower field at sunset? You're in luck! We've been asked for years to open our field to the public, and so this year, we're doing a Golden Hour U-Pick on Friday, Aug. 16 from 7-9 p.m!

Due to limited parking, this event will be capped at 20 people/small groups (basically 20 vehicles), and will provide ample opportunities to get some of the most beautiful pictures of your life 😉 This might be the only time we ever offer this, so if this is something you've wanted to do, now is your chance!


Participants will meet me (Torrie) at our house (146 W 400 N, Manti) at 7 p.m. sharp, where everyone will follow me in their own vehicle to our flower field, which is 5 minutes away. There will be a short demo at the beginning on proper harvest technique and other tips, then each party will be able to cut a bucket of whatever 25 stems they choose and are free to stay until dark to fit in all the photo taking you want :)

Price is $50 per ticket, which includes the cost of admission ($10) and the 25 flowers you'll be taking home with you ($40). With each full price ticket, you can add on plus ones for just $10 (the cost of admission), and then share the 25 stems of flowers between you. Note: No more than 3 in a group under one full-price ticket. If you have more, you must buy a second full-price ticket so I can keep the number of people in check.


To purchase your ticket, go to our website:


Alternatively, you can Venmo us the $50 + $10 for each additional person that won't be cutting extra flowers, but MAKE SURE that you DM me BEFORE to check that there's still availability. (Example: if I want to bring my spouse and my 9-year-old daughter and we want one bucket of 25 stems to share, I would Venmo $70, or I can go to the website, add the full ticket to my cart and choose two of the additional "plus one" add-ons at the bottom).

I'm excited to share this evening with you, and I advise you to act fast if you're interested--once we've reached the cap for vehicles, the event will be closed!

I felt like quitting flower farming three times in the last three days 😬😬😬 It's like you spend your whole year waiting f...

I felt like quitting flower farming three times in the last three days 😬😬😬 It's like you spend your whole year waiting for the abundance of August, and when it gets here, you're like, "Oh yeah, this is insane. What was January me thinking when I bought all those seeds?!" 😂😂😂

Check in on your farm friends, everyone. Chances are, we're kind of losing our heads 😝

We're now entering the super busy wedding season! We're cutting 8 weddings in the next 3 weeks 😳😳😳, so to get myself int...

We're now entering the super busy wedding season! We're cutting 8 weddings in the next 3 weeks 😳😳😳, so to get myself into the mood, I took a little time this last Saturday to play around with a new style of centerpiece.

I find it especially important during super busy seasons to make myself take the time for "play" with flowers so that I stay inspired and don't burn out. This particular style of centerpiece is totally new for me, but I actually quite like how it turned out. As always, I still notice things I would like to fix in the future, but the project did what it needed to -- it got me super excited to cut for all these special days over the next few weeks!

Ingredients: peach and ivory zinnias, pink and peach David Austin roses, fuchsia china asters, pink sweet peas + foliage, apple of Peru, dahlias, pennycress, quaking grass, and whatever vine is running rampant all over our back fence :)

P. S. If you have a wedding or other event, we do have some openings in late August and into September, so DM me if you're interested! We do buckets of blooms for DIY events, and I also will take on some of the floristry myself for certain events (such as just doing table centerpieces), if you're interested. Send me a message for more info!

This is what I believe -- WE create the world we want to see. WE need to be the change. WE need to focus on all those th...

This is what I believe -- WE create the world we want to see. WE need to be the change. WE need to focus on all those things we CAN control, not on all those things we can't.

Let me tell you about the kind of community I want to live in --

I want to live somewhere where people say hi to each other in the streets, where they wave to each other in passing as they cross paths in their trucks on a dirt road.

So guess what? I make sure that I try and do just that whenever I'm out and about.

I want to live in a place where when you're down on your luck and getting pummeled by Life-with-a-capital-L, there are people around who notice and pay attention and who go out of their way to show support, love, and service.

So guess what? Our family tries to do just that whenever we notice a need.

One of the main drivers behind us starting our flower farm was that we wanted to give back---we wanted to create the kind of community and the kind of world that we ourselves wanted to live in. And we realized that it doesn't do any good to wait for that to come to us -- we realized that we needed to go out and make it happen.

So, thanks to a generous donation from my husband's aunt and a nudge in the right direction, our pay-it-forward program was born back in 2021. Our aunt, who had recently lost her husband to cancer, stepped up to the plate and showed us how to create that kind of world--she put the first donation into our pay-it-forward program, and we then connected with YOU, our Sanpete community, to put us in touch with the people you knew of who needed a boost.

We have delivered over 100 bouquets over the last three seasons to families grieving the loss of loved ones, to those who have been house-bound for years, to those who are going through scary health diagnoses or enormous family stresses or who just have felt beaten down by the deck of cards you have been dealt. And it is our FAVORITE thing we do with our flower farm because it represents everything we try and stand for --- Community. Service. Love. Generosity of spirit.

If you want to help us "be the change" and continue to create the kind of community and world we all long for, we ask you to help us today in our pay-it-forward program, which we will start delivering for this next week (and for the next two months). There are three ways we need help, and we ask that if you're able, pick at least one and join hands with us in bringing a little more cheer and beauty and light into our world.

How to help:

1 - DM me the names and addresses of people you know who are suffering, grieving, lonely, or struggling (and, if you're comfortable, a brief description of why you think they deserve to be nominated to receive free flowers). We hope to deliver 25-30 bouquets this year, which means we need at least 25-30 nominations. We can't possibly know of everyone who is struggling in our local community, but YOU do know the people around you who are. So please let us know who we can serve with flowers!!

2 - In years past, we have done all the deliveries ourselves. Now, with our farm having increased in size and demanding a lot more of our time, we could use some help with the deliveries, particularly to the farther sites in the county like Centerfield and Mt Pleasant. If you are willing to be a volunteer delivery person/driver for us, DM me and let me know!

3 - "Pay it forward" and make a donation into the program. You can do that through cash or check (delivered or mailed to our farm at 146 W 400 N, Manti, UT 84642) or you can send us a Venmo (under businesses). Any amount is appreciated, and we promise that every penny goes towards flowers that will be delivered to someone who really needs them.

So, help us to spread some cheer over these next 8 weeks! Any time or dollar amount you can donate really does make a difference. (And, as always, you do NOT need to make a donation in order to nominate someone!)

P. S. And another way you can help? Share this post so more people see it! I would love to see my inbox flooded with names of both people who need some extra love and attention and names of people who are in a place where they're ready to step up and serve.

CURRENT STATUS: We have currently funded 27 bouquets out of 30 and have received 17 nominations out of 30.

We know many of you have been asking us to do options at lower price points out of our self-serve cooler, so we're happy...

We know many of you have been asking us to do options at lower price points out of our self-serve cooler, so we're happy to now have sunflowers by the stem! These sunflowers are pollenless (so no having to worry about them shedding all over your table!), have huge blooms, and are so beautiful they almost look fake.

These are located in the garage right next to the cooler in buckets, so come and grab any five stems that you want for just $10! Our Venmo code is on the cooler door, or you can leave cash in the little jar on the bottom shelf by the cooler (by the $25 wrapped bouquets).

Have a cheerful weekend!

P. S. We're located at 146 W 400 N in Manti. Just walk past all the totes of mushroom compost in the driveway and go straight into the garage. If the garage door is up, that means we have flowers available! We generally leave it open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day but Sunday.


We're at the Artisan Market today in Fairview!! Come say hi and grab a bouquet after the parade 😊

Happy Pioneer Day!!

Let me tell you about the gifts I remember receiving.With all the birthdays and Christmases and anniversaries and Valent...

Let me tell you about the gifts I remember receiving.

With all the birthdays and Christmases and anniversaries and Valentine's Days that I've experienced (I'm going to be 38 in a couple of months!), there are very few toys, gadgets, items of clothing, lotion, dishes, linens, notebooks, etc. etc. that I actually really remember receiving. (Not saying I didn't APPRECIATE those gifts, of course, just that I don't really REMEMBER specifically getting them.)

The gifts I DO remember?

The tickets to the circus my best friend bought me for my 16th birthday.

The yellow carnations another friend bought me after winning the school spelling bee.

The letters my husband has written me for most every anniversary and birthday.

The flowers my college roommates bought me after my nephew unexpectedly passed away.

The scrapbooks my mom made for me documenting my entire life up to age 20.

I find it interesting (but not really surprising) that the gifts I remember most are 1) experiences, 2) letters, photo books, and scrapbooks that were written and put together especially for me by the giver, and 3) flowers.

Of all the tangible gifts we can give someone, flowers are one of the only ones that have been literally proven by science to boost mood, elicit feelings of joy and happiness, and that have a positive effect on mood and well-being for many days AFTER the initial receiving of them (whereas with most gifts, that immediate feeling of elation that comes upon receiving it will quickly fade).

If you're needing a gift this weekend, the bouquets in the cooler right now are honestly probably among my very favorites that I've made this entire season thus far. We're located at 146 W 400 N in Manti, and these wrapped bouquets are just $25 apiece and are located in the self-serve cooler in our garage (just walk past all the totes of mushroom compost and go directly into the garage, and the cooler will be on your left).

The buckets of bouquets for sale are on the bottom right of the cooler, and you can Venmo us using the code on the cooler, leave exact cash, or give me (Torrie) a call or a text at (801) 560-1143 and I can run a card.

Let's brighten some people's lives this weekend!

"There are no solutions in life -- only trade-offs."I read this quote for the first time this week, and I haven't been a...

"There are no solutions in life -- only trade-offs."

I read this quote for the first time this week, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it.

It's a funny thing, being a flower farmer. I can't tell you how many times per week people say to me, "Wow, flower farming? That must be so dreamy!"

Well, on the one hand, my husband and I love working together and calling all the shots for our business. We like that we're somewhat in control of our own schedule and that we can run our farm in a way that aligns with our values. We especially love getting to increase the amount of beauty in the world and increase people's ability to find joy in daily living, whether that's through a fresh vase of flowers on their table or teaching them how to grow cut flowers for themselves.

However, everything comes with its tradeoffs. Everything.

Running your own business means you get to call the shots, but it also means you are in charge of everything, need to make all the decisions, and have to accept responsibility for all those decisions. It means that if the farm is low on money, YOU'RE low on money. It means that when you don't know what to do, you still have to go ahead and do something anyway, because no one else is going to swoop in and do it for you.

Running a flower farm means we are surrounded by beauty day in and day out, but it also means we're surrounded by bugs, often covered in dirt or sweat (usually both), and need to get up early day in and day out whether we feel like it or not. It means that we have to say no to certain fun outings or activities because it happens to coincide with the exact same time we need to harvest the peonies before they blow/get all the plants in the ground so they can still bloom before the end of the season/do a crisis w**d on everything before we start to lose crops.

Running a home-based business means at least one of us gets to be there for much of the daily life with our kids -- mealtimes, swim lessons, chores, and play. But it also means that our work is literally always right there in our faces, and it can feel sometimes impossible to take a break when you can literally see everything you still need to do right in front of you. It means our kids have learned that sometimes when they want to have a conversation with mom or dad, the best thing to do is just to offer to work alongside them since that might be the only chance you get.

All of this is to say that I just wanted to share a little slice of "real life" with you today -- a ridiculously huge vase of snaps surrounded by my cluttered work table with a half-drunk can of Diet Dr. Pepper beside it, and a picture of my kids running around me and the baby fussing in her bouncer while I made bouquets this morning.

Everything comes with trade-offs, friends. The only question is -- what are you willing to give up in order to get the life you think you want?

Just a note that our self-serve cooler will close at 4:30 p.m. today, so grab your flowers early!! Since we close our ga...

Just a note that our self-serve cooler will close at 4:30 p.m. today, so grab your flowers early!! Since we close our garage on Sundays, this is your last chance for $25 grab 'n go bouquets until Monday morning!

Sorry for any inconvenience the early close will cause. Hope you enjoy your weekend 😊

Living in our hyper-connected society means that we can easily fall into the comparison trap on EVERYTHING, which can so...

Living in our hyper-connected society means that we can easily fall into the comparison trap on EVERYTHING, which can sometimes make us feel like we're not measuring up in some way, or that we're somehow behind, as if there is some kind of "perfect timeline" we're somehow supposed to be following all the time.

When I started following mostly just gardening and flower farming accounts, you know what I discovered? We can even compare our GARDENS to someone else's! Our tomatoes! Our flowers! Our dahlias (ohhhh, our dahlias...!).

So this is just to say, if your garden isn't what you hoped it would be this season yet, guess what? You still have time to make something beautiful IF it's still important to you. With around 80 days still left in our season, there are still plenty of things you can put in the ground and get a good crop or plenty of beautiful flowers from, including things like zucchini and summer squash, tomato plants that are a decent size from the store, beans, many varieties of carrots, and so much more. And any flowers bought from a nursery will still give you a great show over the next few months, and you can even direct sow some things still, including certain types of sunflowers, marigolds, and smaller zinnias.

And if you end up wanting to put in some new beds or plants, know that we still have mushroom compost available, both in the super sack size and in the smaller 40-lb. retail bags. Just give me a DM, and I can hook you up with the compost that is seriously going to transform your soil and make YOURS into the garden that everyone else is jealous of (*wink*).

(Just kidding, we should all stop comparing silly things like our gardens. But what I'm NOT kidding about is how amazing this compost really is.)

Where are you at in your garden this year? Were you able to do everything you wanted to do?

Problem: You need to grab some flowers this weekend for a gift/party/hostess/your home/loved one, but you know you can't...

Problem: You need to grab some flowers this weekend for a gift/party/hostess/your home/loved one, but you know you can't trust Walmart to always have a great selection.

Solution: We have fresh grab 'n go wrapped bouquets in the self-serve cooler in our garage that are available every day except Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Basically, if the garage door is up, that means we have flowers available! No more picking over sad carnations and picking the least wilty option from the store -- now you can get unique, locally grown flowers that look fresh, smell fresh, and ARE fresh, and they're going to make someone feel WAY more special than had you just gone to Walmart.

Best part?

They're only $25, and they last a loooong time.

We regularly are stocking and restocking the cooler with options throughout the week as things sell, and we have new bouquets that are in there and ready to find a home to brighten!

We're located at 146 W 400 N in Manti, and you can always text or call me (Torrie) if you have any questions whatsoever. Hope to see you this weekend!

I've been subscribed to James Clear's weekly email newsletter for years, and I particularly love a quote he shared this ...

I've been subscribed to James Clear's weekly email newsletter for years, and I particularly love a quote he shared this week from artist George Grosz. He says that it in order to be exceptional at producing art, you need "endless curiosity, observation, and a great amount of joy in the thing."

Being involved in a profession that taps heavily into my creative side can be an up and down roller coaster at times, but in general, my enthusiasm for working with the flowers rarely wanes (unless I've been doing it back to back for many, many hours and days straight, that is).

Flower arranging, like any art repeatedly practiced, has the potential though to become mundane or uninspiring unless you're constantly pushing yourself as the designer to practice exactly what Grosz said above -- "endless curiosity, observation, and a great amount of joy."

Whenever I feel my creative mojo is getting tired or too routine, I bust out one of my favorite floral design books or take on a new kind of arrangement or project or just take the time to find joy in the fact that I get to be surrounded by so much beauty every day.

I'll be putting out a list of some of my favorite floral design books soon in my weekly email newsletter, so if you're not subscribed yet to that (it's totally free), you can comment NEWSLETTER below, and I'll make sure I get your email address so I can get you on the list!

If you want a dreamy, garden-inspired, customized event or wedding but you don't have the budget to pay "custom" prices,...

If you want a dreamy, garden-inspired, customized event or wedding but you don't have the budget to pay "custom" prices, our DIY wedding option might be for you!!

How does the process work?

1 - You go to our website link below, download the informational PDF, and look through it thoroughly. Chances are high that all your questions will be answered there!


2 - If you would like to get a (free) quote for your event, simply fill out the downloadable order form in that PDF packet and email it to us at [email protected]. We should get an estimate back to you in 3-5 business days.

3 - Look over the estimate and let us know if there are any changes that need to be made. The first estimate is just to give you a good idea of what flowers we'll likely have at that time and the total cost. After we've discussed the quote, if you want to proceed, we'll make a final quote and you can send over the signed contract and 25% deposit to secure your event.

4 - We'll be in touch with you throughout the process to make sure we match your wishes as closely as we can and let you know what to expect!

If you're more open on color palette, we still have openings available in July, and if you want more say in exact colors/flowers, we have openings in late August and September. When it comes down to it though, it never hurts to ask! Go ahead and check out our informational packet today!!


Keep that long weekend vibe going! Our self-serve cooler is freshly stocked and ready to help you spread some joy 😊 Grab...

Keep that long weekend vibe going! Our self-serve cooler is freshly stocked and ready to help you spread some joy 😊

Grab 'n go bouquets are located in the bottom right corner of the cooler, which is in our garage. Simply walk past all the totes of mushroom compost in the driveway and you'll see the cooler to your left.

Enjoy your holiday weekend!!


Manti, UT


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