Chick-n-Mini lovers, tonight is the night! Come enjoy 4 count Chick-n-Minis from 5pm until 7pm for only $4.95!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #food #serving #weappreciateyou #events #chickfilaislife #chickenminis #dinnerideas #chickfilaapp #dinner #fun #loveourguests #itsthelittlethings
Chick-n-Minis fans unite! Wednesday from 5pm until 7pm, come enjoy them for dinner!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #dinnerideas #itsthelittlethings #serving #chickfilaapp #loveourguests #dinner #events #food #chickfilaislife #fun #weappreciateyou #chickenminis
Chick-n-Minis lovers rejoice! Wednesday, January 15th from 5pm until 7pm, we are making 4 Count Chick-n-Minis available for you!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #fun #dinnerideas #chickfilaislife #loveourguests #itsthelittlethings #chickfilaapp #serving #dinner #food #weappreciateyou #events #chickenminis
🌶️ Grilled Spicy Deluxe
🍋🟩 Key Lime Frosted Lemonade
😁 Who are you to disagree?
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #loveourguests #chickfilaislife #lunchideas #chickfilaapp #serving #lunchideasforwork #weappreciateyou #dinnerideas #chickfiladelivery #food #itsthelittlethings #familymeals #keylime #grilledspicydeluxe #dinner #fun
🎁 The presents keep coming! Beginning today, we will be offering family style meals. Choose from 30 count nuggets, 10 count chicken strips, or 30 count grilled nuggets, then build your meal to suit your family or group! Now available on the Chick-fil-A App!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #chickfilaislife #itsthelittlethings #weappreciateyou #loveourguests #chickfiladelivery #chickfilaapp #lunchideas #serving #dinnerideas #lunchideasforwork #food #familymeals
🍋🟩Cool🍋🟩 and 🌶️Spicy🌶️
Beginning Monday, come try our seasonal items. Returning is our Grilled Spicy Deluxe and our Key Lime beverages. Choose from Key Lime Frosted lemonade, Key Lime Lemonade, Key Lime Iced Tea, or Key Lime Sunjoy.
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #weappreciateyou #loveourguests #itsthelittlethings #serving #dinnerideas #lunchideas #chickfilaapp #chickfilaislife #chickfiladelivery #grilledspicydeluxe #keylime
Today is our first event of the year!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #lunchideasforwork #lunchideas #dinnerideas #dinner #free #chickfilaapp #chickfiladelivery #chickfilaislife #weappreciateyou #itsthelittlethings #loveourguests
This month marks our two year anniversary of offering our hospitality and service, straight to your door. Try Chick-fil-A Maple Grove Delivery today!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #itsthelittlethings #dinnerideas #chickfilaislife #chickfiladelivery #chickfilaapp #weappreciateyou #lunchideas #lunchideasforwork #dinner
2024 was a fun time for us. Here's a quick look back and here's to a great 2025!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #weappreciateyou #loveourguests #dinnerideas #events #happynewyear2025 #chickfilaislife #chickfilaapp #lunchideas #itsthelittlethings #serving #free #chickfiladelivery #food #fun #milkshake #peppermintmilkshake #nuggets #paintandsipparty #chickenminis #chickenbiscuit #chickfilabreakfast #partyideas #lunchideasforwork #loveourteam #icedream #chickensandwich
Enjoy the last day of 2024 and look forward to all of the exciting things we have for you in January of 2025!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #maplegrovemnbusiness #chickfila #itsthelittlethings #serving #loveourguests #chickfilaislife #chickfilaapp #food #fun #weappreciateyou #chickfiladelivery #lunchideas #free #dinnerideas #events #happynewyear2025
Happy New Year!
#maplegrove #maplegrovemn #chickfila #itsthelittlethings #serving #fun #chickfilaislife #chickfiladelivery #food #weappreciateyou #loveourguests #chickfilaapp #happynewyear2025