We have come through Helene with only minor damage. Our lower hayfields and all pastures flooded to varying degrees, and we have some damage to one building -- but our family, home, and horses are all OK. The rest of our region, however, is not so fortunate. The situation in WNC is indescribable. We are currently co-donating a truck and trailer of disaster relief supplies, which our sister company Coats Classic Cars will be bringing here to McDowell County from their Birmingham, AL location this week.
IF YOU NEED HAY, we have a number of 4x5 orchard-fescue rolls available. No squares. They've been wet, but not flooded. We would feed them to our own horses. Our road is accessible, our tractor is running, and we can load. Tell us what you need.
IF YOU HAVE A HORSE that you need to move: We've taken in 3, and are pretty much full - but we can host ONE mare, or a gelding who can be pastured with mares. This will be pasture-only with no shelter, but the pasture is secure. Feeding service is available.
Our WEDDING & EVENT facilities are NOT damaged, and will be back online after we regain electricity.
Our HIKING & HORSEBACK trails are closed until further notice.
We are currently on limited staff and irregular hours; the best way to reach us is via FB Messenger or call or text 828-582-0320.
Our hearts are with all those affected by this storm, and our most sincere thanks are with all of those working the front lines.