Hello & Goodbye for now ❤️👇🏼
As many of you know, I am expecting my second child. This means that, for now, I will be taking a break from Balloon Installs. When I do return next year, I may leave balloon installments in the past and try something new! You never know. I love to decorate and I have some new ideas in mind. Until then, I know some wonderful gals that I will tag below that can whip up some amazing balloon garlands.
I’ve worked hard on expanding my marketing career so for now, 100% of my focus will be put towards that and my family.
If you have booked my audio guestbook or any of my other services and are on my schedule already, this won’t apply to you ❤️I will see you at your scheduled event.
Contact There Will Be A Party, LLC for all of your balloon garland orders, they are very talented.