Summary: On Saturday April 2nd, 2022, the Infidels Motorcycle Club will host the First Annual Infidels Poker Run to raise money for The Independence Fund, a national non-profit for Veterans and their families headquartered in Charlotte, NC. The Poker Run will make stops at two local bars and one motorcycle dealership, as well as the Infidels Clubhouse in Gold Hill. About: Founded in 2007, The Inde
pendence Fund is committed to empowering our nation’s catastrophically wounded, injured, or ill Veterans to overcome physical, mental, and emotional wounds incurred in the line of duty. Through their Mobility, Caregiver, Advocacy, Casework, Operation RESILIENCY, Independence@Home and Family programs, The Independence Fund strives to bridge the gap of unmet needs for Veterans and their Caregivers. The Infidels Motorcycle Club was started in 2006 by the founder “Slingshot” who was working on his third year as a security contractor in Iraq. The idea of a traditional motorcycle club made up of veterans, contractors and patriotic Americans has grown for the past 15 year and has offered great brotherhood to our members and support to various community and military focused charities throughout the country. Goal:
An average Poker Run attracts 75 – 100 participants and normally yields $500 to $1,000 for the charity it is designated to support. We plan to surpass these numbers to make a greater impact on our nation’s heroes supported by The Independence Fund. We approximate to have 250 - 300 participants visiting four venues and raising $4,000+ for the deserving veteran organization by offering a larger than normal prize pool for participants and making it a public event for anyone to attend. In order to do this, we need sponsors that can provide the funds required for marketing materials and other resources to make this an epic event, as well as to simply add to the total goal of $4,000 for The Independence Fund. There are three levels of sponsorship outlined on the back of this page. Each level offers something different to benefit your business/organization, with the top tier having considerable marketing exposure throughout the Charlotte area. The top spots are limited. Please contact us for more information on how to donate or become a sponsor. Participation details are coming soon
Anonymous sponsors are welcomed, as well as non-sponsor level donations for smaller businesses who may not be able to provide a sponsorship. These donations can be monetary or physical prizes to incentivize participants, such as gift cards to the business, goods, etc.