Reputation & Expectations
At Krueger Funeral Home, we're not just a business in the community. We're part of the community, your neighbors and your friends.
That's why we care so much about serving your family. We know how hard it is to lose a loved one, so we go out of our way to provide the best care for you.
Find out how we can serve you and your family by visiting
Dale Thomas Funeral 08/31/2024
Our sincere apologies to those who wanted to view the live stream feed for Dale Thomas's funeral service on Saturday, August 31.
Technical difficulties prevented us from streaming however we were able to record the Service and upload it.
Dale Thomas Funeral
Dale Thomas Funeral Service 08/31/2024
The Thomas family, Sandy Creek Fire Dept and Fire and Iron MC gathered this morning to escort Dale W. Thomas to his calling hours that will be held today from 2-4 and 5-8 pm at the Sandy Creek United Wesleyan Church.
It Was An Amazing Service
What makes a funeral meaningful?
For Audra Schoch, her husband's funeral became meaningful when we incorporated one of his biggest passions: Star Wars. We were honored to support her and help her create a service that truly celebrated her husband's life.
Watch the video below to hear more about Audra's experience with planning her husband's unique funeral.
On this Memorial Day, we thank the countless men and women who have fought and died to preserve our freedom, our country, and our way of life. You have our sincere gratitude. If you would like to honor a specific veteran, please share their story with us in the comments.
Gemma - The Therapy Dog
Meet Gemma, our therapy dog!
With her wagging tail and sweet face, Gemma loves to provide comfort to those who are grieving. Learn more about her story and role at the funeral home by watching the video below!
We apologize to all who were trying to access the live-stream for Mark Siegel this past weekend. We have uploaded the video of his services for your review and are working out our broadcasting kinks.
May we never forget the love and sacrifice that Jesus displayed on the cross and the wonder and majesty of his resurrection. Happy Easter!