Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question... did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in the comments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #GameNight #easter
Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question... did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in thecomments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #GameNight #stpaddysday #Leprechaun
**a couple of days late but nevertheless
Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question... did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in thecomments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #GameNight
Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question... did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in thecomments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #GameNight
Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question… did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in the comments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #gamenight
Tiffy K Tipsy Tuesday question... did you have to take a sh🥃t? Let me know in thecomments #tiffyk #tiffyktipsytuesday #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk
I had a year. I claim it and it happen! I booked the last 4 months of the year in a WEEK. I cried cause i prayed for it.Don't let nobody tell you, you cant do it.YOUR VISION, IS NOT THEIR VISION!And like i say #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk 🥳
Last night led me to a group of new faces 😈 at first everyone was scared but after the first game, it was on‼️Erica I had a time with your family and I don’t do this often but from now on y’all will be known as my #newbiecrew 🥳🥳 #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk
I felt like crap yesterday and still do today. I’ve been a lil under the weather but the show must go on… last night led me to my family, y’all I love my folks real bad‼️ what started out quiet ended in laughing, loud (sh.t) talking, & dancing. And I’ll do it all over again for them❤️💪🏽🥳
23 together 16 married. 🙌🏽 LOVE YALL
**I own no rights to the music in the background
Y’all know what time it is… 🥳🥳 #tiffyk #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk #drinkinggames #fun #party *I don’t own the rights to music in video*
This was so much fun to host. Thanks for having me Ebony 🥳 #tiffyk #gamenight #fun #party #memphis #adultfun #drinkinggames
So about yesterday:
Congratulations to this graduate and thank you for having me‼️ I had a ball with everyone, hope to see y’all in the future 🥳🥳 #anybodycanhaveagamenight #butitaintagamenightbytiffyk