The DOA Draft 3 show is set! Here are the teams! Drafted artists, reach out to your producer ASAP! See y'all Dec 2! And shout out to for having us!❤️💪🏾😎
Team Skinna Mane
Team Captain SvmDvde
1. Jhane
2. DontGiveUpFrankDawg
3. Queen THC
4. Luh Trollin
Team Loud Mane
Team Captain Archangel
1. Twuan G
2. D'Vonna Taylor
3. Trina Machelle
4. RE Double
Team Fat Daddy Dope
Team Captain Queat Harris
1. Dame Mufasa
2. J Busy
3. Royal Ruthless
4. Collis
Team Jaccem Smaccem
Team Captain Big Pap
1. Phokused
2. Jay Star
3. Marz
4. Empress Joyce