One of the arguments I hear against Christianity is the Godhead... 1 in 3, 3 in 1. And that God.
Being infinite could not put himself in a finite body... I thought I would share some comments on that subject...
maggie081670•3mo ago
So you are saying that God couldn't become incarnate? If so, then you are putting limits on his power.
If you are saying that he would never stoop so low, then you are putting limits on his love. Its only logical that a God who loves is a God who would sacrifice of himself for the sake of those he loves. We love because he loved us first. If we can sacrifice for those we love, then its because it was in his heart first.
foxsae•3mo ago•Edited 3mo ago
Okay, first of all, we're talking about a miracle so it's not something we can understand, but at least you need to understand "WHAT" the miracle is about.
God did not limit himself to a human body. That isn't the miracle.
The miracle is that the Son of God (one of the Trinity) was both FULLY GOD, and also FULLY MAN, at the same time. THAT is the miracle.
What that means is that Jesus truely was FULLY MAN, he was not a container for God, he was not a shell, he was not a demigod, or half-half, he was not a human with a divine spirit, or a divine soul.
I'll say it again. He was FULLY MAN, and also FULLY GOD. So in terms of being a man, he had a human brain, a human will, a human soul, a human heart, he slept as a human, he ate as a human, he dreamed as a human, he cried as a human, he had a human birth, and a human death, and everything else in between. The only exception regarding his humanity is that he was born without sin, and during his life he did not commit any sins, so that he died sinless.
At the exact same time, Jesus was also FULLY GOD, divine, immortal, eternal, all powerful, everything we can ascribe to God.
Jesus had TWO natures. One nature was FULLY MAN. The other nature was FULLY GOD. AT THE SAME TIME.
How could that happen? That's the miracle.