Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series

Out in the Tropics LGBTQ Performing Arts Series Out in the Tropics is a unique and artistically outstanding performance series featuring work by some of today’s most innovative & relevant LGBTQ artists.

Wednesday, June 15th through Saturday, June 18th in Miami Beach! Now in its seventh edition, FUNDarte’s Out in the Tropics is a unique, daring, and artistically outstanding performance series featuring work by some of today’s most innovative and relevant GLBTQ artists, Toshi Reagon and BIGLovely, La Saraghina de Stalker Theater Company, Juan Carlos Lerida, Fernando LR Parra and Belen Maya.



Posted By Helena Alonso Paisley
April 28, 2022 at 9:44 PM

El bailaor Marco Flores, uno de los artistas más galardonados del arte flamenco. Fotografía: Alberto Romo (cortesía de FUNDarte Inc.)

Éver Chávez, el director de Fundarte, lleva años queriendo traer al bailaor Marco Flores a Miami. Desde que lo vio por primera vez en el Teatro Colón de Madrid, supo que sería perfecto para el festival Out in the Tropics.

Flores es uno de los artistas más galardonados del arte flamenco. En los últimos veinte años, ha ganado un sinfín de premios, ha actuado con las grandes compañías de flamenco y ha montado coreografías sobre grupos tan destacados como el Ballet Nacional de España. Como solista y con su propio grupo, Cia. Marco Flores, ha montado una docena de obras de temas y estilos muy diversos, mostrando una mente de una creatividad, talento y curiosidad enormes.

El Diario de Jérez dijo de él: “Hablamos de un bailaor, un bailarín, o simplemente un artista, de los más completos del momento. Lo mejor de todo es que no flojea en nada, lo borda en todo. Su braceo es maravilloso y su baile es infinito hasta el punto que parece levitar sobre el escenario.”

En el Miami-Dade County Auditorium el viernes 6 de mayo, el público miamense podrá disfrutar “Milonga, Sonata y Plata,” una coreografía íntima de este genial artista gaditano. Lo acompañará en el escenario el guitarrista José Almarcha. La obra, aunque basada en lo clásico, deja tanto al bailaor como al guitarrista mucho campo para explorar e improvisar.

Flores y Almarcha han encontrado su inspiración para esta pieza en muchos estilos diferentes. Usan, por ejemplo, una sonata barroca de Scarlatti, pero también otra del compositor Antonio José Martínez Campos. Flores explica que éste “era un compositor de la Edad de Plata española, de la Generación del 27, que fue tristemente fusilado en la Guerra Civil…Partimos de un poema de García Lorca…y partimos también de un clásico más contemporáneo que es la milonga de Sabicas,” uno de los guitarristas flamencos más famosos del siglo pasado.

Es evidente que Flores se entiende muy bien con los músicos. “Yo siempre me visualizo como un instrumento más y como una extensión de esos instrumentos,” dice. De niño empezó tocando la guitarra antes de que estudiara el baile:

“Para mí fue una gran ventaja,” dice “porque, claro, a través de la guitarra pues desarrollé mucho lo que es el ritmo, el oído, conocí gran variedad de palos de flamenco, de estilos, de formas, fue algo que supuso una gran ventaja para mí,” aunque sabía pronto que lo de él iba a ser el baile. Músico es, sin embargo. No sólo en el virtuosismo de su taconeo, sino también en el de sus castañuelas, que murmuran, cantan y truenan en armonía con los ritmos de la guitarra de Almarcha.

Marco Flores en “Milonga, Sonata y Plata”. Fotografía: Alberto Romo (cortesía de FUNDarte Inc.)

Al igual que Manuel Liñán, gran amigo suyo con quien ha compartido muchos escenarios, la libertad de expresión es un elemento fundamental en el arte flamenco de Flores. Los dos forman parte de un grupo de bailaores, cada vez más numeroso, que rechaza las reglas tradicionales de movimientos o vestuario aceptables para el hombre. Con su cara expresiva, Flores deja que el público vea toda su alegría cuando baila, y usa mucho las manos y las muñecas. Dice que pretende ofrecer en sus coreografías otras formas “que no sean binarias.”

La libertad, además, no solo tiene que ver con romper con las expectativas de género. Libertad, para él, trata de otros roles que los artistas suelen tomar por sentados. En “Milonga, Sonata y Plata” intenta romper con algunas de esas expectativas.

“Muchas veces en el flamenco y también en otras disciplinas,” dice, “pues eso, el músico tiene el rol de músico, el bailarín el de bailarín. Uno toca, el otro baila y parece como que están muy separados por estas disciplinas…nosotros proponemos una comunicación que va un poco más allá… creamos un imaginario nuevo, un imaginario donde estos dos intérpretes se mueven, relacionándose entre sí, con total libertad… quitándose roles de todo tipo, quitándose armaduras…mostrándose de una manera y creando una poética muy libre.”

Confiesa estar muy emocionado -aunque algo nervioso- de estar actuando por primera vez en Miami. Pero está muy contento de formar parte del festival Out in the Tropics.

“El arte es importante,” dice Flores, “el arte siempre es una manera de abrir, de mostrar otros caminos, de mostrar la pluralidad.”

Además de la actuación del viernes, el jueves 5 de mayo, Flores ofrecerá un taller de danza para los que tengan conocimiento del flamenco y que quieran aprender con uno de los maestros más destacados de la actualidad. Añade que los que sólo quisieran observar la clase y no participar también serán bienvenidos.

Marco Flores y José Almarcha se presentan en “Milonga, Sonata y Plata” el viernes 6 de mayo a las 8 de la noche en el On.Stage Black.Box del Miami-Dade County Auditorium. Se recomienda obtener con anterioridad información actualizada sobre las medidas de salud implementadas por el teatro llamando al (305) 547-5414 o escribiendo un email a [email protected]. Entradas de $25 a $30 en la taquilla del Miami-Dade County Auditorium de Lunes a Viernes de 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m. Mas información en www.FUNDarte.us

ArtburstMiami.com es una fuente sin fines de lucro de noticias sobre teatro, danza, artes visuales, música y artes escénicas. Suscríbase a nuestro boletín y nunca perderá un artículo.

Climakaze Miami is Back!AUG. 21st - 8:00 p.m. @ the On.Stage Black Box Theatre at Miami-Dade County Auditorium.Tickets: ...

Climakaze Miami is Back!
AUG. 21st - 8:00 p.m. @ the On.Stage Black Box Theatre at Miami-Dade County Auditorium.
Tickets: https://bit.ly/3lqsnbX


Pavel Urkiza & Las Ruta de las AlmasGLOBAL CUBA FESTEnjoy the Ryde! The piece Salam Obatalá with "La Ruta de las Almas" Band during the GlobalCubaFest, Saturday March 12, 2016 in Miami.
Presented by FUNDarte & Miami Light Project at the Miami Dade County Auditorium.
Pavel Urkiza and La Ruta de las Almas band:
Africa Gallego on vocal,
Ivan Ruiz Machado on bass,
Kiki Ferrer on drums,
Mahan Mirarab on oud & electric guitar
Javier Márquez on soprano sax & oboe,
Jesús Catalá on percussions & chorus,
Gito Maletá on piano, keyboards & chorus
Tania Vinokur on violin, dancer & chorus.

Filmed by Randy Valdes, recorded by Waldy D - Dominguez, lightin designs by Ricardo Rodriguez, Marketing and publics relations by Toni Mtnez and mastering by Javier Monteverde de Mesa, en Cezanne producciones Las Rozas, Madrid, España.

Mix music and video edition by PAVEL URKIZAat LA CIUDADELLA, MIAMI, USAURKIZAMUSIC. Noviembre 2020


La prestigiosa FUNDarte, organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a la producción, presentación y promoción de música, teatro, danza, cine y artes visuales con resonancia en las culturas diversas de Miami; presentará el miércoles 23 de septiembre una nueva edición de su serie anual de artes ...


Introduction to “DJ Apollo” and Presentation by Pioneer Winter
★★★Wednesday September 23rd – 7:00 p.m.
Presentation and book launch Mi pareja calva y yo vamos a tener un hijo (My Bald Partner and I are Going to Have a Child) by Legna Rodríguez.
★★★YouTube Channel Premiere
Subscribe here: www.youtube.com/c/fundarteusnonprofit
FUNDarte presents Out In The Tropics 2020, a yearly performing arts series featuring artists that address issues of gender politics, sexuality, and LGBTQ identity. This year, in celebration of its 11th anniversary, this program series will support two local artists with a subsidy for development of new works. Pioneer Winter and Legna Rodriguez will also create two new virtual presentations directed by Randy Valdes and filmed at The Colony Theater in Miami Beach that will premiere on Wednesday, September 23rd at 7:00 p.m. on FUNDarte’s YouTube channel.
In response to the pandemic, Out in the Tropics 2020 will shift its project activities this year from live performances, and instead award two Miami-based artists with a subsidy and residency to support the development of new works.


All FUNDarte Performances Postponed in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Our Season goes on with our Digital Archive
WELCOME TO EXPLORE @ www.fundarte.us. Enjoy Art Where You Are.

DOS MAS TRES O TRES MAS DOS¿Cómo definir “Cuba” en pocas palabras? ¿Cómo ser globales en la definición? ¿Cómo hacer ente...


¿Cómo definir “Cuba” en pocas palabras? ¿Cómo ser globales en la definición? ¿Cómo hacer entender un fenómeno tan complejo, tan nuestro?

Un dos tres, un dos….un dos, un dos tres…

Si le preguntan a cualquier cubano qué significa esta ecuación sonreiría; y quizás pueda explicar lo qué es, pero lo que siente lo tiene que bailar, lo tiene que cantar.

La clave del son… la clave de la rumba… en la timba funcionan las dos. Este juego de palabras y de números a la vez, son el alma de todo lo que se baila y se siente de la música cubana, un ritmo a veces tan explícito y otras tan etéreo pero siempre presente.

¿Cuán autentico tiene que ser un ritmo para convertirse en concepto de identidad?

Si tarareamos una canción y queremos que invite a bailar, chocamos nuestras manos para marcar la clave, la que sea para cada ocasión. La síncopa es nuestro tiempo fuerte, nuestro compás para sentir el ritmo de una canción.

A veces vida te regala momentos que te hacen sentir esa cubanía porque el ritmo suena en las dos versiones. El tumbo de una Mulata linda y la cadencia de un changüisero del Guaso puede regalarte la mejor versión de tu síncopa cubana. Brenda Navarrete y Yelsy Heredia compartirán escenario el 7 de marzo en el North Beach Bandshell como parte del Global Cuba Fest organizado por FUNDarte y The Rhythm Foundation.

Esto no es de negro esto no es de blancos
Con sombrero y guayabera cualquier cubano te toca un Son
Y si la noche se pone cimarrona
Me voy pal Guaso
Con Mondongo, Burundanga y Pan con timba.
Porque Guantánamo también es Cuba y tiene la magia del tres mas dos.

Y el dos mas tres???
Brenda con su guaguancó…

Por Gisell Pupo Cardoso

Global Cuba Fest 2020:
🔵 Yelsy Heredia y Brenda Navarrete en concierto, el 7 de Marzo a las 8:00 p.m. en North Beach Bandshell;
🔵 Sol and The Tribu el 11 de Marzo a las 8:00 p.m. en The Citadel Rooftop;

🔵 Piano Marathon Cubano con Jorge Luis Pacheco &
🔵 Mambo # 2020 “Mambo meets Timba”, con Alain Pérez y Julio Montalvo Orchestra en concierto, el 14 de Marzo a las 8:00 p.m. Miami Dade County Auditorium. Más información: https://fundarte.us/es/fundarte-event/global-cuba-fest-2020/


The Greeks knew a thing or two about theater. In their works - meditations on the deepest of human emotions, plays that became nothing less than the


UN MENSAJE PA' TI! Issac Delgado te invita:
A bailar este Sábado 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 p.m. en el North Beach Bandshell (7275 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach)
Entradas a la venta en: http://bit.ly/32nSIu0
Llamando al: 305.672.5202

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UN MENSAJE PA' TI! Issac Delgado te invita:
A bailar este Sábado 30 de Noviembre a las 8:00 p.m. en el North Beach Bandshell (7275 Collins Avenue, Miami Beach)
Entradas a la venta en: http://bit.ly/32nSIu0
Llamando al: 305.672.5202

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Unrivaled flamenco masters Casa Patas return to Miami Dade County Auditorium with their newest show, RAIZ DE 4, created by and featuring Rafael Peral and Marisa Adame.
Tickets: shorturl.at/noFHK
, ,

Raíz de 4 honors the art of Flamenco by delving into its most primitive roots, evoking the convergence of cultures and the folklore of Spain. The work expresses the purest styles of flamenco, some of which are romances, martinetes, fandangos and soleares, conveyed through the inspired and moving performances by a cast of distinguished dance and musical artists. Song (cante), dance (baile), guitar (guitarra), and percussion (percusión) seamlessly transmit a genuine love for this art form and take the audience on an intensely authentic and unswerving journey of sensations, emotions and flawless artistic ex*****on.


Directors, choreographers, dancers Rafael Peral & Marisa Adame
Music Director, Guitarist José Almarcha
Percussionist Epi Pacheco
Singers Trini de la Isla & José El Calli
Director of Development Begoña Fernández


On November 9th & 10th, FUNDarte presents Raíz de 4 by Rafael Peral and Marisa Adame, Casa Patas Flamenco Foundation & Conservatory (Spain) at Mid-Stage Miami Dade County Auditorium (2901 W Flagler St., Miami, FL 33135). Tickets: https://cutt.ly/lekhfQr

Unrivaled flamenco masters Casa Patas return to Miami Dade County Auditorium with their newest show, Raíz de 4, created by and featuring Rafael Peral and Marisa Adame.

Raíz de 4 honors the art of Flamenco by delving into its most primitive roots, evoking the convergence of cultures and the folklore of Spain. The work expresses the purest styles of flamenco, some of which are romances, martinetes, fandangos and soleares, conveyed through the inspired and moving performances by a cast of distinguished dance and musical artists. Song (cante), dance (baile), guitar (guitarra), and percussion (percusión) seamlessly transmit a genuine love for this art form and take the audience on an intensely authentic and unswerving journey of sensations, emotions and flawless artistic ex*****on.


Directors, choreographers, dancers Rafael Peral & Marisa Adame
Music Director, Guitarist José Almarcha
Percussionist Epi Pacheco
Singers Trini de la Isla & José El Calli
Director of Development Begoña Fernández


2019-2020 Performing Arts Season

¡Hola Miami!

For 17 years, the FUNDarte team has built a consistent presence in this magic city with the goal of creating unique experiences where people celebrate live culture. Each season, we plan around a series of notions that reflect our values and interests as presenters and artist citizens. We engage people of all ages with theatre, we bring the timeliest projects in flamenco and other genres from the Americas and Spain, and address complex issues such as q***r and gender identity and climate change through performance, entre otros. In difficult times, insistimos en el arte, and challenging artists porque art is not a luxury. We welcome you to join another season of theatre, dance, music and media arts that expand the boundaries between local and global. With a multicultural and international menu of artists from countries such as Brazil, Spain, Cuba, Chile, and the USA, among others, we fulfill our goal of engaging our communities through the transformative creativity, innovative artistry and cross-cultural communication while serving up a good time based on principles of diversity and access.

Gracias for joining us on this journey!

Best regards,
Team FUNDarte

UNDarte’s Annual Series


ZunZún Children’s Fest celebrates timely programming for families and youngest audiences through an array of bilingual musical and theatrical projects, by local and visiting artists that encourage the appreciation of the universal culture and the values of the “Hispanidad”.

ZunZún Children’s Fest V Anniversary!

Orchestral Music by Musicall and Hispanic Songs and Stories by Rita Rosa Ruesga and musicians (Miami)

Oct. 5th at 2:00 p.m. | Miami Dade County Auditorium

Free with RSVP

Join us in a fun journey of classical and contemporary orchestral music. Musicall brings us a lively Miami children’s orchestra, conducted by Jose Antonio Bornot. Rita Rosa Ruesga and musicians interprets the most popular and lasting Latin American songs. Don’t miss this commemoration of the cultural heritage of Latin American and Caribbean, and the world’s classical musical legacies, which celebrate childhood and bring joy to the whole family.


Flamencos presents a splendidly diverse range of performances, including the latest in both traditional and radically contemporary flamenco forms, performed by the most notable and risk-taking artists from Spain.

RAIZ DE 4 by Rafael Peral and Marisa Adame, Casa Patas Flamenco Dance and Music (Spain)

Nov 9TH at 8:30 p.m. & 10TH at 3:00 p.m. | Mid-Stage At Miami Dade County Auditorium

$30 adults | $25 students and seniors | $20 groups of 10+ | Tickets: Ticketmaster

Unrivaled flamenco masters Casa Patas return to Miami Dade County Auditorium with their newest show, Raíz de 4, created by and featuring Rafael Peral and Marisa Adame.

Raíz de 4 honors the art of Flamenco by delving into its most primitive roots, evoking the convergence of cultures and the folklore of Spain. The work expresses the purest styles of flamenco, some of which are romances, martinetes, fandangosandsoleares, conveyed through the inspired and moving performances by a cast of distinguished dance and musical artists. Song (cante), dance (baile), guitar (guitarra), and percussion (percusión) seamlessly transmit a genuine love for this art form and take the audience on an intensely authentic and unswerving journey of sensations, emotions and flawless artistic ex*****on.

Flamenco Rave III – Nuevo Flamenco – Various Artists (Spain)

Kiki Morente, among others …

April 3rd at 8:30 p.m. | Miami Dade County Auditorium

$30 adults | $25 students and seniors | $20 groups of 10+

Experience the explosive movement and sound fusion of contemporary flamenco that is currently redefining the genre in this extended performance featuring the most challenging and innovative experiments from the Iberian Peninsula. This multi-artist concert introduces promises audiences the hippest and most addictive sounds of new flamenco.


No Borders showcases other international voices, bringing the most challenging and exciting work from around the world to delight and culturally inform Miami audiences throughout the season. 2019-2020 celebrates contemporary music of Cuba, theatre from Chile and urban dance from Brazil!

Issac Delgado in Concert (Cuba)

co-presented with The Rhythm Foundation

Nov. 30th at 8:00 p.m. | North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach

$40 General Admission | Tickets: HERE

One of Cuba’s most famous stars and a respected musical innovator, GRAMMY-nominated vocalist Issac Delgado returns to Miami with his new album. Lluvia Y Fuego (Rain and Fire) brilliantly showcases the effect of his return to his homeland and a re-investment in traditional song forms. The recording features lushly arranged original compositions and tributes to timeless Cuban sonero Benny Moré and Puerto Rican salsa king Cheo Feliciano.

FEOS by Teatro y Su Doble (Chile)

Jan. 25 at 8:30 p.m. & 26 at 3:00 p.m. | On.Stage Black.Box at Miami Dade County Auditorium

$30 adults | $25 students and seniors | $20 groups of 10+ | Tickets: Ticketmaster

Written by acclaimed Chilean playwright Guillermo Calderón and inspired by the story “La Noche de los Feos” by Mario Benedetti, “Feos” is a visual feast of Bunraku-style puppetry. A man and a woman who have spent their whole lives alone and subjected to stares due to physical deformities have a chance encounter in line at a movie theatre and together go in search of the light behind the darkness, although nothing is quite as it seems. Incorporating stop motion projections, puppeteering of the highest caliber and a story that challenges audiences to look at their own faults with honesty and acceptance, the production is a unique work of beauty.

In Spanish with English supertitles.

The 2019-2020 U.S. tour of FEOS by Teatro y Su Doble is supported in part by Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America.

5 Passos by Companhia Urbana de Dança (Brazil)

March 21 at 8:30 p.m. | Mid Stage at Miami Dade County Auditorium

$30 adults | $25 students and seniors | $20 groups of 10+ | Tickets: Ticketmaster

Companhia Urbana de Dança is here to teach us a little about the international soul of hip-hop, and brings individual identities, testimonials, and attitudes to the stage with an upbeat, Afro-Brazilian accent. Firmly positioned in the leading urban dance scene in Brazil and internationally, choreographer Sonia Destri Lie’s boldly original mix of contemporary Brazilian dance and hip-hop infuses both forms with new rigor: meditative one moment, explosive the next. Located in the true heart of street dance, Destri strips it of its easy tricks, finding its original emotional depth, expressive range, and poetic integrity with a Brazilian sensibility. Pulling from the peripheral communities of Rio de Janeiro where many of her company members grew up, Companhia Urbana de Dança aims to transcend cultural boundaries, redefining the world favela in the psyche of Brazil and the world by making their dance and their daily work a socio-political—and aesthetic—response to their environment.

Various Artists

Global Cuba Fest turns 13! Now in Little Havana, Miami Beach and Wynwood with the freshest and most relevant Cuban artists from our island neighbor and its diaspora. Presented with Miami Light Project, Rhythm Foundation and Miami Dade County Auditorium

Mambo #2020 “Mambo meets Timba”, by Julio Montalvo Orchestra and Alain Pérez in Concert

Mar.14 at 8:30 p.m. | Miami Dade County Auditorium

This concert is supported by the International Cultural Partnerships Program at Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs.

Other “Global Cuba Fest” artists and projects to be announced. Save the dates!

Mar. 7 at 8:00 p.m. | North Beach Bandshell

Mar. 12 & 13 at 8:00 p.m. | The LightBox at The Goldmann Warehouse


Out in the Tropics celebrates another edition this season with daring and innovative performances that showcase artists and projects addressing Gender Politics, Sexuality, and LGBTQ identity.

Francisco, El Hombre in Concert (Brazil)

Apr. 23 at 8:00 p.m. | North Beach Bandshell, Miami Beach

Don’t miss this electrifying concert with one of the most powerful shows of the new Brazilian music. Composed of both Mexican and Brazilian musicians, the group “Francisco, El Hombre” has recorded a song that has become the anthem of the Feminist movement in Brazil with the release of their video “Triste, louca ou má.” The band believes there is no border that cannot be crossed through music. The Portuguese and Spanish lyrics have forged a cross-cultural connection with the people of Latin America. Their concerts are a spectacle of rhythmic explosions, engaging the audiences in singing along in both languages.

The 2019-2020 U.S. tour of Francisco, El Hombre is supported in part by Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America.

Other Out In The Tropics artists and projects to be announced. Save the dates!

Pioneer Winter (Miami); Legna Rodriguez (Miami) among others …

May 1 & 2 at 8.30 p.m. | On.Stage Black.Box at Miami Dade County Auditorium

Jun. 5 & 6 at 8:00 p.m. | The Colony Theater


Climakaze Miami provides a thoughtful and intriguing interdisciplinary platform for artists creating work addressing environmental issues and climate change, with a special 2019 focus on progressive cultural expressions from Miami.

Mermaid Truth or Consequences: A Biodiversity Game Show by Elizabeth Doud / Siren Arts

April & May 2019 | Interventions @ various South Florida locations

Free Admission

This live, interactive game show is hosted by a radical mermaid, and spills out of a parked trailer to strike up conversations with environmental experts about bio-diversity and the mass extinction. These pop-up performances occur along beaches, in parking lots and at farmers markets using a recipe that is one-part game show, one-part science jam, and one-part group mermaid catharsis through magical dances and irreverent siren songs.

This project is produced by FUNDarte as part of Climakaze Miami, and is supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Knight Arts Challenge, which funds the best ideas for the arts in Miami. See www.sirenjones.com for performance locations throughout 2019-2020.


Funded by Miami-Dade County and offered in partnership with FUNDarte, the Artist Access Grant Program is designed to assist practicing, professional artists in any medium or discipline residing in Miami-Dade County pursue and secure artistic professional development opportunities. Eligible professional development opportunities funded through this program include artist residencies, master classes, workshops and conferences outside Miami-Dade County.

Apply Now!

More information: Contact: Roxana Barba | (305) 375-4209 | [email protected]


Miami Dade County Auditorium 2901 W Flagler St., Miami, FL 33135

Tickets: On sale via Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com; by phone (800) 745-3000 and at the Miami Dade County Auditorium Box Office, Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Information: (305) 547-5414


The Colony Theater 1040 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Tickets: On sale via Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com

Box Office: (305) 674-1040 TUE – SUN 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Ticketmundo Customer Service: (800) 211-1414

Email: [email protected]


North Beach Bandshell 7275 Collins Ave, Miami Beach, FL 33141

Tickets: On sale through Miami Rhythm Foundation and at the door or via http://www.rhythmfoundation.com/events/

Information: (305) 672-5202

FUNDarte is an engine for multicultural arts and culture in the U.S., presenting a yearly season of music, theater, dance, and cultural events that enrich local communities with artistic offerings from around the world, particularly focusing on Latin America, Spain, and the Caribbean, while also nurturing and showcasing Miami-based artists. For the last 16 years, FUNDarte’s programs have built cultural bridges across Miami’s diverse communities and provided vital links to the global arts scene, promoting interdisciplinary and international collaborations. FUNDarte engages and empowers artistic communities locally and globally by promoting innovative artistry and international cultural exchange.

Staff: Ever Chavez, Carlos Caballero, Tony Martinez, Elizabeth Doud, Dinorah de Jesús Rodriguez, Gerardo Alvarez, and Carol Coombes.


FUNDarte Office: 7455 Collins Avenue, Suite 201, Miami Beach, Florida 33141

Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Phone/Fax: (786) 348-0789

[email protected]


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fundarte.us/


Twitter: https://twitter.com/FUNDarteus

Board of Directors: Ana Maria Kleymeyer, Chair (Lawyer); José M. Domínguez, Board Member (Performer and Assistive Technology Specialist); Beth Boone, Development Advisor (Arts Presenter); Alejandro Ríos, Vice President (Media Relations); James López, Treasurer (Educator); Ever Chavez, Board Member (Producer); and Elena Montes de Oca, Board Member (Poet and Educator).

FUNDarte’s 19-20 season has financial, organizational and administrative support provided in part by:

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs, the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners;

The Miami Dade County Auditorium;

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation;

State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs, the Florida Arts Council;

The National Endowment for the Arts;

Southern Exposure: Performing Arts of Latin America, a program of Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation

The City of Miami Beach Division of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Arts Council

South Arts;

The Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP);

Acción Cultural Espanola (AC/E);

Flamenco Eñe: a program of Fundación “Sociedad General de Autores y Editores” (SGAE);

Centro Cultural Español de Cooperación Iberoamericana (CCEMiami);

University of Miami, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Joseph Carter Memorial Fund, and Cuban Theater Digital Archive;

Miami Light Project;

The Rhythm Foundation;

ZunZún Arts and Education

The Light Box at Goldman Warehouse

The North Beach Bandshell;

The Colony Theater;


Miami Art Guide;


The Miami Herald/El Nuevo Herald;


Artburst Miami;

Pamela’s Restaurant;

Cava Tablao;

The Broadmoor Hotel;

Generación Asere;

Glassworks Multimedia


7455 Collins Avenue Suite 201
Miami Beach, FL


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