Underwater or on land, even in a champagne glasses. We find fins everywhere.
Take 2. Final night backstage with @riodiosmio getting ready for the finale of tonight's show with the beautiful @erikamoonofficial dancers.
What did you do this Halloween.
#nobizlikeshowbiz #stagemanagement #stagemanager #showlife #miamiparty #miamiartist #miamidancers #miamilivemusic #Miamiliveentertainment #miamiproducers #cabaret #movementart
Reposted from @thetixsgroup - Hey Miami! Is about to get lit 🔥
#miami #southbeach #miamibeach #sobe #erikamoon #cabaret #ladiesnight #datenight #girlsnightout #liveshow #thetixs #promoter - #regrann
Reposted from @thetixsgroup - Spend the day with your family in Miami's hidden 💎, Swim with a 🧜♀️🧜♂️, relax and spend quality time outdoors 🏊♀️🏊♂️🌞🕶⛱
Contact us today to make tour reservation!!!
+1 833-843-8497
#bluelagoonfarm #swimwithamermaid #hiddenjewel #miami #homestead #oasis #family #thingstodo #mermaid #outdoors #secretplaces #familyday #familyfun
@exclusiveeventgames @mermaidamethyst1 @bluelagoonfarmmiami - #regrann
Rolling right through humpday in style. Contact us for your next event.
#laserninjamaze #waterwalkingballs #partyrentals #miamipartyrental #miamipartysupplies #miamievents #partyplanningmiami #southfloridapartyplanners #haveusatyournextevent #kidsparty #childrensparties #miamifestival #familyevent
#miamientertainment #miamiinflatables #miamivendors #miamimermaids #miamisprings #miamimermaids #Miamisummercamps #summercamps #summervibes #poolparty #poolpartymiami
Holistic Festival and Health Expo at the Curtiss Mansion come and enjoy a day of fun, family and healing. For today only use promorcode Holistic and get 10% off your entry tickets to Santa Circus at Jungle Island this holiday. Www.jungleisland.com/santa #jungleisland #santacircus #laserninjamaze #live305entertainment #holistichealingartsexpo
#exclusiveeventgames hopes you had an exclusive eventful 4th of July. #IndependenceDay 2018 #miamisprings
Had fun with this sports interactive inflatable this past weekend. 5 sides of sports fun soccer, frisbee, football, basketball, and baseball. If you are a sports fan this is the inflatable for you. Contact us for information on how to have this awesome attraction at you event. #laserninjamaze #laserninja #exclusiveeventgames #miamiparty #miamipartyrental #southfloridapartyrental #childrensentertainment #kidsbirthdayparty #bouncehouse #inflatables #partysupplies #miamipartysupplies
Having a blast being a part of such an awesome event.
Make sure to contact us for your next slam dunking event. From small private events, fundraisers, corporate events we do it all. Can't wait to see you at your next event. #southfloridapartyplanners #miamievents #miamipartyrental #laserninja #laserninjamaze #waterwalking #waterwalkingball #miamientertainment #southfloridaentertainment
There is no better thing to do than bring smiles to children. That is what we so best. Contact us for your next event. #laserninjamaze #exclusiveeventgames #magicmiami #miamimagicians #miamientertainment #miamipartyrental #southfloridapartyrental #southfloridapartyplanners