Pink roses just keep coming and coming! This is truly a nature’s miracle.
Flower to the people!
#mothersday #mday21 #pinkbouquets #pink #MD21 #roses #flowersfromthefarm
Next week we will start taking orders for our #rainbowbouquets for #mothersday21 One of La Rosistance’s most amazing products for the season. All our colors in one single bouquet! Yup, we can do all of this magic. Just ask around ;)
Flower to the people!
#color #mothersdaybouquets #roses #homedecor #florists #rose #flowermarket #flowertothepeople #iftf #flowers #flowersfromcolombia
#flowermagic #flowerdesign #floweryourweekend #rosegrowers #womenwhofarm
Good bye to this beautiful and wonderful friend and mentor. THANK YOU Don Ra for all of your teachings, ethics and profesionalism. We have a friend for life, and our farms will ALWAYS be your home. Thank you Thank you THANK YOU.
Friday I’m in love! Loving these last july vibes. Remember we have some of our red garden roses on stock, and they are truly to die for. Have a beautiful weekend. Flower to the people!
.#rosefarm #redroses #redbouquet #rosesupplier #flowersupplier #womenwhofarm #flowerstagram #roses #red #hearts #larosistance #flowertothepeople #picante #hotred #harvest #agriculture #floricultura #romance #naturelovers #rosefield #rosecottage #redcarpet #red #rosebouquet #flowersofinstagram #flowers #flowershop #flowersupllier
L.O.V.E with every little piece of your body. L.O.V.E with every little piece of your being. What do you have to lose?
#lilac #nostalgia #love #vintage #vintagecolor #selfcare #love #lavender #roses #rosesroses #bouquet #rosefarm #harvest #womenwhofarm #flowerpower #rosepower #stayhome #flowersagainstcorona #flowertothepeople #flowerstagram #floweroftheday #deepsilver
Coco!!!! We have a winner!!!! 👵🏽
This is HALLOWEEN!!!! Trick or treat y’all!!!! Flower to the people!!!! 🎃
Hollaback Miami! We want to hear from u! We have new recipes designed just for you! [email protected] Flower to the people!
#larosistance #miami #colombianflowers #flowersfromthefarm #flowertothepeople #flowersfromcolombia #flowerstagram #rosesfromcolombia #rosesfordays
SOLD OUT! Thanks Miami. Flower to the people! 🌹💖
Las tinguas son uno de nuestros mayores tesoros. Estos 4 amigos nos acompañan en el reservorio de la finca. Flower to the people! Esto es #larosistance